Camperjam weather is it worth it ?

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Just finnished the pre journey checks , only to find that the bus has a leaking rear wheel cylinder.....gutted ! , looks like we are spending the weekend at home :( :(
Anybody traveling up down or across good news it stopped raining at Telford! :lol:
I can't even get outside to pack the van it's that heavy! I also seem to have a new feature, an indoor swimming pool on top of the engine bay, the cushions are soaking :(
Someone post up pic so I can see for myself. We only have the tent. Would it be worth traveling up any further or should we abort ????
lol no recent weather reports then?

maybe everyone is stuck in traffic!
M5 is pretty horrific according to the news.
Just arrived and definately brightenin up
Even though it's wet I'm still gutted that we couldn't go. Hope you all have a good weekend 8)
I'm hear!! Wet, muddy, but just watched a nice sunset;-)
Just soooo happy it wasn't cancelled. :)
Kyam fumed already!! Went up a treat slid door back and taw the bitchin thing!!
Gaffa tape for now... And yep it's big :)
I'm here too. no rain since about 5pm. camp field is ok. paths between trade stands is a bit far gone but loads here and same vibes as last year :)

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