Not managed to get much done the last few weeks with work commitments and other vans,
Anyway a little update,
After having problems with my engine (building and stripping 3 times

) I've FINALY got the long block built up today.
The rocker covers will be coming back off for some painting, I just fitted them to keep the rockers covered.
I've been slowly cleaning and repairing all my shoddy tinware and ancillaries, which is now Frankenstein tinware its been patched that much.
Probably quicker and easier to just replace it but it's all genuine vw stuff so worth saving I think, all cracks repaired and I had to replace a complete corner.
Also filled a few unsightly holes that I won't be using,
Still needs holes drilling I know.
Not going over the top with straightening and painting them just going to smarten them up.
Now, even though this is all genuine vw stuff the fit on one side is awful.
So I'm not really sure what to do, try to extend some of the tinware to suit or try and seal it when it's finally fitted?
Gutted as I may be forced to sell this soon as My 71 is nearing completion 8) and I'm likely to be needing the cash for that money pit!
Sneak peak, me happy oh yes!!
Thanks to some lovely second hand bargains bought on vzi it's finally starting to look like an engine. 8)
Going to be away now, so no more progress for another 2 weeks
Also, I'm still on the lookout for a set of twin carbs if anyone can help?