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I’m a hundred percent sure that it’s totally legal to use a two way transceiver in a motor vehicle otherwise all the police would have to book each other when driving solo. It’s still a bit of a grey area about the licensing bit as that was supposed to be overhauled but not sure exactly what happened. Someone can Google it, I’m sure :)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Not sure if the FM can skip on the ionosphere :unsure:
You're right, it is, I looked it up. Still seems bonkers to me though, that picking up your phone, even whilst stationary gets you 6 points and a fine, but you can blather on all day with a CB handset in one hand and that's just fine!
Hmm... when one of those new fangled cameras photographs a CB handset in use, thinking it's a mobile, I'm pretty sure they'll just use the distraction whilst driving argument against the user. I just can't see plod being OK with it at all today. If they are, it makes a complete mockery of the phone ban. Answering a ringing phone is no different to speaking into a

I’m a hundred percent sure that it’s totally legal to use a two way transceiver in a motor vehicle otherwise all the police would have to book each other when driving solo. It’s still a bit of a grey area about the licensing bit as that was supposed to be overhauled but not sure exactly what happened. Someone can Google it, I’m sure :)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Not sure if the FM can skip on the ionosphere :unsure:
Mr Google..

Since 8 December 2006, CB Radio has been exempt from the need to hold a Wireless Telegraphy (WT) Act licence,
You're right, it is, I looked it up. Still seems bonkers to me though, that picking up your phone, even whilst stationary gets you 6 points and a fine, but you can blather on all day with a CB handset in one hand and that's just fine!
Ah, that’s good then , I’d hate myself to think I might be leading our mates astray. ;)
It’s a bit different with radios to the phone conversation. You can get totally embroiled in a phone call, as in you’re somewhere else when you’re chatting but it’s not lIke that with radio, it’s similar to just listening to a car radio, not exactly but similar. But I can get with where you’re coming from without a doubt. And with the phone thing, not only is it stationary too, but if the keys are in the ignition, you are toast then also. Fortunately CBs are a bit of a faded light for communication and ‘mostly’ experienced peeps on them but I’m , guessing the number of users must be in the few thousands as opposed to peeps on phones being in the millions and the newer the drivers, the more phone addicted they’d seem. In twenty years time I can imagine the CBs being totally wiped out in the U.K., as in it’s not far from mostly deserted now.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, Voice activated power mikes for hands free. :)
I remember a few years ago Volksworld (or Camper & Bus) magazine did an article on buying and installing a CB in a T2. I have it somewhere . . .
I remember a few years ago Volksworld (or Camper & Bus) magazine did an article on buying and installing a CB in a T2. I have it somewhere . . .
Brill,,,, yup ,,dig it out good buddy. Be interesting their experience with the ground plane effects with fibreglass pop tops and limited steel available. But we’re not trying to chat around the universe here, just within a convoy. I’m gonna get a basic miniature set up that I was looking at and it’s still chucking out 4 watts that could get you a very respectable distance but if it’s not great I’ll get a better antenna (Twig) that should properly increase the db gain. I’ll have a look now and see if there’s a VSWR included as some did on the scale.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Goid excuse to buy something. :)
Come on good buddy, have a load of UK FM sets and accessories for sale next weekend at the local car show as I have an auto jumble stand, K70 ,mag mount ,ball speaker and all the gauges. Silent Runner, catch you on the flip flop.

Dav, see how you get on with the mug punters at your car show , is it next weekend? I might have that K70 mag mount off you if you can’t do a decent deal with it. Never heard of a K70 but it’s probably a derivative of the old K40 base loaded whip, brilliant Ariel’s.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, did you say you had some VSWR stuff too ?
My first set up was a DV27 mounted on a metal ironing board in the loft. Worked a treat. Be interesting to see what they say about your average VW camper.

Mum never liked ironing anyways !! 😂
Not sure whats on the mag mount , the K whatever has a boot lip mount. Also a base station 1/4? wave ariel at mums.
What do you make of this kit?
Any good for what we want to use it for?

View attachment 9201
Don’t know is the real answer. But I’m thinking it’s virtually the same as what you have but a slightly larger range ,, possibly ,, but you have to keep it plugged in to your lighter socket. If you want a bit more range , then you’ll have to plug the antenna in to it as well as the lighter lead. It’s small but there’s a bit of stuff fitted in to it but dragging two cables around in a bus might be a real drag if you’ll excuse the pun as well as the biggish hand set. I’ll be going for a regular set up like those mini eighty am fm sets I think with a pre set VSWR mag mount ariel. Maybe fit it in the walk through and pop the mag mount out the drivers door in the corner, a live lead under the mat and earth it to the seat box. Might even fit in the void under the seat where those roundy vents are. :)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,I’ll look now. :)
Here’s a fairly complete kit including a small and not too obvious mag mount with a preset VSWR of about 1.5-1. Four watts, forty fm channels and forty eu am channels around a hundred mill by a hundred mill. I can pop that straight out the back and mag it onto the tailgate or rear roof with the four metres of co ax complete with a PL259 (plug) . Might even mag it onto the rear bumper then it’ll only be in the way when you’re unloading but then you could Chuck it inside until you’re rolling again.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,like it, read the spec. :)
Got one in my bus, fairly close to the M6 so only ever really used it to listen to the truckers going past.

Remember reading years ago they are legal as emergency services still use radio as backup, therefore couldn't be made illegal.
Ive had a cb in mine for years, defo swr the aerial in before use and it can make a huge difference. They are great whilst travelling in convoy, also goo dto listen in on farmers n truckers when your stuck in traffic.

Ive got a midland one with the speaker built into the under side, moounts under the dash in existing holes and is great! only cost £20 of ebay with the matching Mike :)
I also have a 6ft whip aerial which mag mounts to the about 2/3rds up the front of the bus to get the best signal forward and back, great signal!

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