curtain rail advice

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
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Im after a bit of advice.

Can anyone tell me what the material is, including where i can get it from, that is used to hold back the curtains against the bodywork. I assume that it is curtain rail of some sort that is screwed in at each end, but im not so sure.

Pictures would be much appreciated.

Hello mate, its called silent gliss, you can get it from Just Kampers and other places. :mrgreen:

Oh and its made from aluminium ;)
Thanks pal.

I already have curtain rail in my bus (to attach the top of the curtains) its the bottom im interested in any ideas?

Is silent gliss is what you use on the sliding door as this rail is different from the others. I take it i need to buy the silent gliss glides and the top of the sliding door and that will be sorted then?

Just the bottom to sort now then

I have silent gliss going over the sliding door, same as the rest of it. I dont use anything at the bottom, it just hangs. Some people use the plastic coated metal wire that you use to hang up net curtains, with a eye ring at each end and then screwed between the pillars.

Not really worth bothering with imo but does make it all snug if you like that. I just prefer the curtains away from the windows to kepp good air flow round the bus and stops your curtains getting damp when the windows condensate ;)
handy to have it on the tailgate though, mine hasnt got it and they are a pain in the ass when you open the tailgate!
Frankie said:
What about stick on velcro stick to van sew to curtain Frankie
A good idea in theory, I had the same good idea. Unfortunately when the van gets a bit warm the glue on the velcron loosens up and tehy come off the van side :cry:
Then get the normal velcro and some contact adhesive evo stick and do it that way then it wont soften as it heats Frankie.
Or what about those push studs that they used on the screen curtains, Frankie
Rear Jail bars prevent the rear curtains from falling, and you can get some magnetic rope and sew that in the bottom if you want. I prefer the jail bars route. Velcro is only good for so long and spoils the look of the curtain ;) 8)
the original stuff looks more like a springy cord, similar to the stuff that holes tent poles together, could be worth trying that.
easy said:
Rear Jail bars prevent the rear curtains from falling, and you can get some magnetic rope and sew that in the bottom if you want. I prefer the jail bars route. Velcro is only good for so long and spoils the look of the curtain ;) 8)

Dunno if the JK jailbars could support the weight of curtains though :lol:

How about a magnet strip on the bottom - if you go to your local tip and cut open a fridge/freezer door seal, you will have a long flat strip of flexible material, which may well fit into the hem on the bottom of your curtain without much bother. Not tried it yet myself, if you dont have the curtain fitted permanently to the top, one long piece of strip in the top and the bottom, would be enough to hold the material up on the metal work.

aogrady said:

How about a magnet strip on the bottom - if you go to your local tip and cut open a fridge/freezer door seal, you will have a long flat strip of flexible material, which may well fit into the hem on the bottom of your curtain without much bother.


it doesn't bend enough to have it in the tied back position though. better with 2-3 magnets sewn into the hem
My Dormy has the silent gliss tracks,but I find they are cumbersome.I like the plastic coated curtain wire idea,even though its not as 'proper' as the silent gliss.
anyone got their curtains up all with curtain wire? pics??

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