Does your partner understand??

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Lol should of done this as a poll, cause it's looking a 70/30 split at the moment swinging towards she doesn't get it :lol:

Well I'm glad it's not just me, sometimes if like my own space I love wandering round trade stalls on my own in my own little world knowing what I'm looking for and without distractions.

She has her horses, maybe I should start going the stables with her but then I know she'd just put me to work shovelling **** :shock:
my bus ended up being called the Mistress as i was getting it on the road as i saw more of it, spent more money on it (and it was a bitch at times lol), not sure with Gail as to shows,she likes seeing something differant, but will get bored if there is nothing new to look at, she loves being at the seaside in it, and going differant places in it, only done one VW show camp out last year and that didnt help with inconsiderate noisy neighbours, but saying that i also do 1940s shows and for a few years Gail loved going to them but now with three granchildren between us prefers to see them at weekends, She dont stop me doing anything i want to or going to any shows if i want to, (though she does say i have to many man toys lol), as to camping in the bus she will if she needs to but my snoring is very bad so the times we have camped i sleep in the van and Gail's in the awning lol.
so does she understand? or just tollorate? my hobbies i think thats more the question.
NO not at all ,tbh at the mo would rather be down my man shed than getting my ears blasted cos cant find a job.
AGC said:
What I like (original and a bit knocked about), and what she likes (shiny and pretty) are two different things so my original knocked about bus certainly doesn't float her boat, she cant understand why I enjoy spending all day Saturday and Sunday tinkering with it and also she is not that interested in shows and doesn't like to camp in the bus...... apart from that I think she understands :D :D :D

x2. exactly whs^^^

also she hates it being a money dump ever since i drove it home last June (it was the only time it was driven in my ownership) and that too without being on road (its all stripped and awaiting resto to begin as soon as some panels arrive late May) :D
I've had my bus 5 years next month and my Mrs is slowly warming to it.....
Is about an 80/20 hate/love thing at the moment -
TBH I still can't work her out as she knows I'm a VW Freak - when we got together 18 years ago I was driving a '66 Roofchop, Flip-front Beetle running 1641 on twin Kadrons and no heating.......

She loved that Bug and now the Camper is the sensible option what with family life and all that.

VW shows are a no-go - I don't mind that bit at all :lol: - rather be with my V-Dub mates

Funny thing is.....

She wouldn't be seen as a passenger in anything else.......

And my Daughter would KILL me if I ever sold it :D

K@rlos said:
My bus has cost me my boyfriend I was with him for quite a while too. According to him I'm a dead beat and a waste of space who's only intrested in getting drunk and he is pissed as I don't like glee anymore as he does!!!(go gleeks) lol: tbh I don't really care because I had forgotten how much I like masturbating by myself as I look at pictures of justin bieber...and when I'm feeling naughty latebays....

Ha ha ha
I am the girlfriend, and i'm the one that loves volkswagens, i'd give my right arm for a bay i truely would. My otherhalf is Land Rover mad however so I'll help out on that with him. And as we have no bay and a landy that isn't on the road, the tent gets a fair battering! :)
My missus gets it.
Getting one was her idea in the 1st place. As a young skint family we hadnt had a decent holiday for a few years and found a late bay cheqp localy. Thats what started it all off.
That was years ago, now im old and skint.
She loves my van but if I ever sold it she'd be dragging ing me down to homebase etc for a new kitchen like a shot :roll: .
Then I wouldnt be able to afford to stay in the game. Luckily for now its not for sale.

My first wife loved the bus - but back then it was new :lol:

The current Mrs was keen, enjoyed it and also helped with fixing the various vintage cars we had. This lasted the ten years we were living together. Then we got married. Her interest faded.

She likes the car I bought her but even cleaning it is down to me I'm afraid.

There must be a moral here somewhere :lol:
Trikky2 said:
This lasted the ten years we were living together. Then we got married. Her interest faded.

There must be a moral here somewhere :lol:
You sure your still talking about cars here?
can't take the chance on a partner. I've had my bus for nearly 3 years and have been single for 5 years now so my bus is mine I get to do what I want and go where I want whenever I like, if I could find a partner with the same outlook that would be great, if not no problem and no ear bashing or moaning :D
My wife actually told me to buy a camper!! as she knows how much i love them,probably sick of me drooling over them in magazines,she really gets the scene and she actually goes camping!! for a woman whos hates it i am impressed/lucky, it does help having our best friends with us most of the time tho.
as for shows yes are a bit samey but we pick and choose, and she does not get it when i am looking at old smelly toot as she calls it, i say its the original old parts that i am looking for!!
she allways asks why am i always on the net, if not on Early bay i am on e bay, i told her least i am not looking at porn,.

i am one of the lucky ones. :lol:

Trikky2 said:
RICH-I-AM said:
Trikky2 said:
This lasted the ten years we were living together. Then we got married. Her interest faded.

There must be a moral here somewhere :lol:
You sure your still talking about cars here?

:lol: :lol:
Sorry, just going from personal experience :( :mrgreen:
Mrs Ozziedog, loves going out in it to the local beaches for want of a better word, Weston Super Mare, Clevedon, Brean etc etc, she loves going out for drives in the country and a bit of home shopping on the weekend, she secretly likes the bit of attention and the cool factor but refuses to wave at anybody that waves to us unless it`s little dudes and stuff, then she secretly waves back and I pretend not to see her. She loves camping :shock: so long as it`s only one night and only once every three or four years :roll: :roll:She loves the fact that I go off in my bus camping with you guys and with the rellies. Mostly she likes anything that keeps me out of the house and out of her hair.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, That`s just fine by me :mrgreen:
My wife gives me nothing but grief about my addiction . moans all the time about me working on the van / browsing forums / . even gives me grief about organising to go to shows.

Getting really sick of it to be honest , the bus isn't going away so she'll just need to live with it
can't take the chance on a partner. I've had my bus for nearly 3 years and have been single for 5 years now so my bus is mine I get to do what I want and go where I want whenever I like, if I could find a partner with the same outlook that would be great, if not no problem and no ear bashing or moaning

Similar for me.....would take the chance but have to be certain ground rules. To be honest - life seems a lot easier in many ways and more difficult in others. It's the old addage - You can't live with em and you can't live without em :roll:

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