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Pete B

Well-known member
May 3, 2008
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Not in, but 9 miles north of Peterborough
Year of Your Van(s)
Van Type
Not definite yet, but probably me and ma boy heading for Chimay. Anyone else going? And does anyone know the situation with camping? The web site seems to imply that only those who are racing or show & shine can camp on site. Or have I got that wrapped around my neck?
Thanks, Pete.
Pete B said:
Not definite yet, but probably me and ma boy heading for Chimay. Anyone else going? And does anyone know the situation with camping? The web site seems to imply that only those who are racing or show & shine can camp on site. Or have I got that wrapped around my neck?
Thanks, Pete.

Havent been before but we (haveacamper & I ) are going this year, we have entered the show & shine - as I understand it that means free camping.
Clem, Clyde & some others on here have been before so can probably tell you more info.
Havent received my tickets yet, so there may be more info with them?
Yeah you have to enter the show & shine or race to camp on site.

Got my tickets reserved with Fred so will be picking them up at Ninove.

Going to Hessisch the weekend before so making a nice euro VW holiday out of it 8)
Thanks for the prompt replies. So we have a 3 day event, possibly the biggest in Europe, with people travelling from all over the place and you have to leave the site each evening to go to a random campsite 'somewhere near'. What a strange concept! I am happy to put my bus in a 'club type' line up, but it certainly isn't a contender for my interpretation of Show & Shine! I must be missing something, I can't believe the majority of folk are just left to their own devices for camping arrangements at a 3 day meet. Is that the case or am I daft? :?
Pete B said:
Thanks for the prompt replies. So we have a 3 day event, possibly the biggest in Europe, with people travelling from all over the place and you have to leave the site each evening to go to a random campsite 'somewhere near'. What a strange concept! I am happy to put my bus in a 'club type' line up, but it certainly isn't a contender for my interpretation of Show & Shine! I must be missing something, I can't believe the majority of folk are just left to their own devices for camping arrangements at a 3 day meet. Is that the case or am I daft? :?

Have a look at my mini resto thread in the gallery, my van isnt quite show & shine standard........yet :lol:
Pete B said:
Thanks for the prompt replies. So we have a 3 day event, possibly the biggest in Europe, with people travelling from all over the place and you have to leave the site each evening to go to a random campsite 'somewhere near'. What a strange concept! I am happy to put my bus in a 'club type' line up, but it certainly isn't a contender for my interpretation of Show & Shine! I must be missing something, I can't believe the majority of folk are just left to their own devices for camping arrangements at a 3 day meet. Is that the case or am I daft? :?

Its the way of it, and to be fair, it works :)
There is camping available close by, if you want proper camping and last year there were some overspill areas arranged for those not booked. If you dont mind basic facilities than I suggest you enter the show n shine ;) and camp on site.
This is all good info as I'm planning a euro trip involving hessisch one weekend then Chimay the next.

My van won't be up to the standard for show and shine so my only option sounds like camping close by.

Has anyone used the sites (how many?) near the show ground and I'm assuming it's a case of driving there during the day and then having your evening entertainment elsewhere - not like other shows here in the UK.

As you say, if it works, just seems slightly strange if it's the biggest show in europe.
Dont think this is any where near the biggest show in Europe. Basically its a old school style race meet in the american style(although a weekend event rather than a one dayer), so no tribute band no clowns pet show or face painting and for me all the better for it. I belive their will be better on site camping this year (first 500 racers and show and shiners i think it said)
and even a disco or something in the evening.

I went to the first one when it was totally un organized, more people turned up than expected i think, the toilets where few and far between and the one burger van although cheap and good was struggeling to cope. The weather was **** and me and my mate got lost on the way to the event and he broke down and we did his valves in a supermarket car park.

Even with all the above it was the best event ive ever been to, i was buzzing all weekend. The racing was great, the self made entertainment was spot on (french disco bus, hula girls on pick up trucks, naked people being towed behind cars on trays and everyone having a good time.

So all in all, NO fancy dress, NO moans the week after on VZI about too many dogs, NO rip off food traders, NO reports of knobs stealing off trade stands and best of all NO water cooled.

So before i rant on anymore, Old School event with Old school racing and Old school camping = the best show ive ever been to and long may it stay that way. :party0047:
Sorry, didn't do much research on that, I believed it to be one of the biggest.

This is hopefully going to be my first Euro Bug Inn and hopefully won't be the last! Sounds good from what you have listed and slightly different to the norm.

Need to get looking for campsites nearby then :lol:
Definitly worth the trip mate, but not the normal UK style show. Get the ferry booked and cross your fingers for a improved Euro. See you ther for a beer or two.
Load the old school bike to get back wards and forwards to the camp site so you can have a little of Chimays best if you wish during the day. :party0047: :bottle:
Thanks folks for the replies. Despite what I had read and heard, think I may have not quite understood the concept of EBI. I really want to do it, but I do think with the travelling, time scale and 'roughing it' involved, it may be a bit too much to ask my 10yr old son to deal with. If he is to come, then I want him to enjoy it, not for it to be an endurance where he keeps getting bored and it takes a week to get over it. And no, there is no chance I could go without him without being disowned ! Maybe that is the answer, his enthusiasm would counteract the negative side and it would be the most wonderful experience for him?!?!?
Others opinions most gratefully recieved, and no, I will never hang myself.
Trying to sort this years events, several already booked but Santa pod has three, The Big Bang, Bugjam and VW Action. Bearing in mind I have been out of this for (gulp) 20 years, which are the choice events? I understand some have become a bit 'chavvy'. Again, other opinions most welcome.
Excuse me while I sit in my rocking chair, light my pipe and send the dog for my slippers. The wife is knitting my arran sweater as we speak......
Pete, my advice would be to do it. Its hard to explain the concept of the show but its just VWs, everywhere!
The camping on site isnt luxury, but I doubt 10 years olds are too fussed about that, and no worse than Vanfest last year really.
The racing is more interesting, more exciting and runs better than any VW drag racing Ive witnessed in the UK. The vast array of cars that you see there is amazing after having been to a number of UK events and having seen , essentially, the pool of cars that are in the 'scene' here.
The buzz of the show and camping areas alive with the various languages and accents adds to the flavour, and the ferry trip and journey on the wrong side of the road will be fab for him, Id have thought?
You know what you and him want at the end of the day, but dont worry about the finer points of it. It'll be a blast!
Im sure any 10 year old who likes dubs etc and wants to spend some quality time with his Dad would love it.
I know i would have taken someones arm off for the chance to have gone when i was 10. My daughter who is just 8 is giving me grief because im not taking her (its my boys weekend) but shes well excited for the April trip to the VW show in Holland.
It wouldnt be up my daughters street i know that but a 10 year old boy.................racing cars, noise, burnouts, wierd accents and sometimes even wierder people? WHERES THE FRONT OF THE QUE.

Please dad can i go :innocent0001:

I've been toying with this one as well but I'm not sure I can fit it in this year but will have another look at it if I know you are thinking of going as we could go in convoy.
With regards to the other shows at Santa Pod I went to Big Bang last year and thoroughly enjoyed it, good atmosphere and quite a few earlybayers camped (Grazy, Ego, ddfrost, Steve from up north to name a few) and I'll be going again this year. I avoided Bug Jam after advice given on here and went to VW action although didn't enjoy it as much as Big Bang.
Let us know what you plan to do fella,
pete, me , grazy and i believe ego are going to the pod big bang in april , i`ve not yet been but have been told its gonna be a blast.....its what ya make it anyway.....the meet there later on in the year apparantly is real chavvy, full of gay boys in gti`s, sorry gary boys :cooter:
come along fella we`ll sink a few and get ya lad to bbq for us again :bottle: :sick0006:
hope alls good in the hood :character0066:
SOLD! Have just booked it, ticket on its way! Have to just remind 'Mum' that Aaron will have to miss a bit of school on the Friday and Monday, oh and perhaps Thursday afternoon. Think she will be o.k. with that.....
Anyhow, thanks a bunch you guys, very helpfull responses.
Graham, (and anyone else for that matter) a bit of a convoy thing sounds like a plan! Get it booked if you can then we can sort the ferry etc!
Big Bang sounds like the one to go for, just hope work doesn't get in the way.
Ooro, you folk have an autojumble thing on this weekend? Can't promise but am aiming to pop over for a bit, be good to see you all again.
Something tells me this could be a good show season. 8 :D

What ferries have you booked onto?
Have you entered the Show & Shine?
Graham, yes to booking show & shine, that way you can camp on site. If the 'first 500' thing applies, then I wouldn't hang about too long, my application was number four hundred and twenty something I think. Have not booked the ferry yet. In light of your suggestion, thought I would leave it a few days to see what suits you (oooh Sir) and anyone else wanting to 'convoy'. Last time I crossed the channel was on the hovercraft (yes, that long ago!).
Went to the local travel agent yesterday for ferry brochures, all done on the 'net now, but the nice lady had a look on the P&O site and said around £50 (presume return?) and they sail roughly every hour and a half. Was thinking perhaps sail late Thursday evening/night. There must be somewhere at the port or close by where you can park up and get a bit of kip before driving the rest of the way? Then maybe head back mid afternoon Sunday? What do ya think? Recon it's around 150 miles or so from Calais.
Could anyone confirm mileage/time taken from Calais to Chimay please?

If you look at the other link thats in events for EBI3 http://forum.earlybay.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12509" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; most people travel from Dover to Dunkerque with Norfolk Line as its only about £50 return if you do the overnights, I was looking at the 22.00 on the Thursday night as a possible crossing, I will try and book EBI now,

Just booked it no 439
Looks like Thursday 02nd, 22.00 hrs, Dover/Dunkerque it is then! Not sure on the return, perhaps get back to Dunkerque Sunday night, kip over where Clyde mentioned (on the other thread) and get a 5 or 6 am crossing. Will have a look on Norfolk Lines' site to see what is available and cost. This is not getting my book-keeping and invoicing done but more fun! Actually I do get lots of pleasure writing invoices. Show me the money!

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