Dont think this is any where near the biggest show in Europe. Basically its a old school style race meet in the american style(although a weekend event rather than a one dayer), so no tribute band no clowns pet show or face painting and for me all the better for it. I belive their will be better on site camping this year (first 500 racers and show and shiners i think it said)
and even a disco or something in the evening.
I went to the first one when it was totally un organized, more people turned up than expected i think, the toilets where few and far between and the one burger van although cheap and good was struggeling to cope. The weather was **** and me and my mate got lost on the way to the event and he broke down and we did his valves in a supermarket car park.
Even with all the above it was the best event ive ever been to, i was buzzing all weekend. The racing was great, the self made entertainment was spot on (french disco bus, hula girls on pick up trucks, naked people being towed behind cars on trays and everyone having a good time.
So all in all, NO fancy dress, NO moans the week after on VZI about too many dogs, NO rip off food traders, NO reports of knobs stealing off trade stands and best of all NO water cooled.
So before i rant on anymore, Old School event with Old school racing and Old school camping = the best show ive ever been to and long may it stay that way.
