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robins said:
would love to do this one but not done many miles init yet for that bit
of confidence :sick0019:

Know the feeling! Time and gradually longer trips are the only way to build up that faith. Took my time with mine, lots of local running around then that first long one, all the way to Bus Types at Utoxetter. About 150 mile round trip in a day, nervous as hell all the way there and back but it didn't miss a beat! Since then, Leeds, Vanfest, Brighton, north Norfolk coast, all over and (tempting fate) not a problem. Anyhow, I am going off topic, point is only you can decide. For me it is a 600mile round trip (roughly ish) broken into four similar size chunks. Not a huge distance, but I dont know how long you've had the bus, mileage done, mechanical knowlege etc. Have a think and if you go for it, don't forget the AA card. Just in case. ;)
i have done nothing but all day :anim_53: ill sleep on it but if i do i might miss the 500
dead line :sad2:
Just look what arrived today,


One happy bloke here, already got Big Bang ticket & sent for Stanford Hall today. Plenty more to go at but have made a start! :D
Got mine on Saturday and off to Holland tomorrow so the start of the season starts now (or was that Dubfreeze)
Yep mine arrived on Saturday just got to put them in a safe place now, looking forward to it already!!
Not long to go now, Woohoo!!!!!
Nearly got the bus ready. Just got the leisure battery install to do, service/tune up, curtains would be good, sounds would be nice as well. Was hoping to have put the 1303s 'box in by then, and have rebuilt and fitted the 1600 TP motor sat in the garage. Not to be. The CB is in but awaiting a new plug for the co-ax so it will work properly. I have got a new bottle of gas for the cooker which is rather important, but not much time to sort the rest, so I suppose it will be a quick oil change, pump up the tyres and go!!!
How about a list of who's going so we know who to look out for?

Pete B plus (hopefully) Aaron - sailing out Thurs 22.00 - return Mon 08.00
Pete B plus (hopefully) Aaron - sailing out Thurs 22.00 - return Mon 08.00
Loxy & Haveacamper - sailing out Thurs 23:59 - return Sunday 18:01 - CB also awaiting fitment ;) (& lots of other things not finished on van :lol: )
I have to say I'm struggling a bit with work commitments to get Patrick ready in time and his engine is still chucking oil out somewhere so am currently working on a plan B ;) ;) .

If that doesn't work then I might not even be going which is a shame but as my main job pays the bills I have to take the work when its there :x :x.
Loxy said:
Pete B plus (hopefully) Aaron - sailing out Thurs 22.00 - return Mon 08.00
Loxy & Haveacamper - sailing out Thurs 23:59 - return Sunday 18:01 - CB also awaiting fitment ;) (& lots of other things not finished on van :lol: )

I'm all signed up as a Racer, taking my bay across on Thurs 12:00 and back Monday 16:00 :D getting very excited now :)
I'm booked on the 4am Thursday on the way out and 10pm Sunday return.

Sooooo excited.
This time next week,hopefully somewhere near Dover ready to check in at 21.00.
As Aaron put it when his school ok'd the trip, WOO HOO!!!!!!
Party time is approaching...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Getting very excited now, I'll be on my way this time next week,

I'm racing and any pics people snap of my bay i'd be really appreciative to receive

Thanks kindly

Will clear the memory card in my camera ready to get loads of pics Alex! Will have to be alert enough to note when you are on the strip. Phone contact may be useful, I am on 07881-800-509, and hopefully on the CB (but thats another story, new thread going on). Want to be trackside to cheer on the Brits!

I'm rubbish and tend to turn my phone off when i climb in the van,

I am pretty sure Myself and mark will end up going out just the once or twice, probably wait till the saturday too :)

I may have my CB sorted by then just need to work out an aerial as i no longer want to throw a mag mount on the roof.

Thanks Kindly
If your racing alex dose that mean you get a VIP pass. If so could i borrow it for a hour or so to get some photos on the start line.(ill take loads of your bus ;) )
Last time i went some French bloke camping near me lent me his and i got some cracking pictures.

Picked up the new bus today and it ran like a dream on the way back (2 hours) so hopefully will be fit for the journey to EBI on Thursday, Pete unless we speak beforehand I'll see you at Cambridge services at 5pm :mrgreen:
Fitted the CB today and it seemed to work although couldn't get any readings on the SWR meter but could hear trucker traffic on Channel 19. Pete did you sort another CB as I have a spare one I can bring along if it helps?

Just packing to go to Belfast for the next three days with work so won't be back now until Tuesday night (300 miles to Stranraer first thing in the morning :( :( :( :( :( :( )

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