Engine out virgin.....

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was probably going to go for one of these:


All the parts seem to be on my bus just can't stop the lateral movement, if you push it to the correct position there is thread showing on the left of the shaft, with a washer and Circlip.

Should there be somthing on that shaft? Outer end of clutch arm dosen't seem to have anything missing.

Although i just found http://www.vwheritage.com/vwh/VW-Camper-Van-Parts/Bus-Parts-1968-79/Gearbox-Clutch/Clutch-Parts/?templateID=vwh

Don't remember seeing part no. 13 and i would have though that would stop the lateral movement. Will check tommorow when it's light :D
you have a thrust bearing for a 68 bus.... august 68 saw a couple of minor changes...
he cant have used a crossover part as they are totally different....

however vw speedshop are producing conversion kits to late style thrust bearings with the guide sleeve see volksworld may 2008

part 13 keeps the sleeve and bushings in place...the circlip should keep it from moving beyond the inner groove...

on second glance are you missing a rubber seal on the inner of the clutch housing?
Sorted it :D

On the left hand side when it's in the correct position theres a small channel where the circlip sits.

It had simply popped out and allowed lateral movement :roll: Just need a couple of circlips and the correct tool to fit and hey presto :D