I am going to kick her ass

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Mar 30, 2011
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Came home from work last night to find the long haired general had been cleaning out cupboards. She had asked me to bring home loads of polly pockets which I duly did. I walked in to see her holding a folder full of the how to element of camper and bus. :shock:

I asked, "where are my mags" :evil: "chucked them all, you only need this bit. I also ensured only T2 bits are here" :shock: WTF I shouted. Cue hurt look. Although what she says is true, I do like to re-read them now and again. So a curt "we'll done dear u are an inspiration to me" was given and as far as she is aware all is well. If you hear of a murder in this area please don't judge me. :msn4:
Mine In loft as compromise but at least in one piece!

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I'm afraid I agree with the LHGs approach ... couple of month after C&B arrives it gets the same treatment and the how to sections placed in a big folder, which I promise one day I will sort into sensible categories

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mine are all piled in the bog, only place I can get enough peace and quiet to read them!
Mine are nice and safe in the airing cupboard, apart from the one my little un got hold of the other day
Started using the app, as I subscribe I get a digital copy as well it's a great way to keep them without taking up then space, but ssssshhhhh don't tell the wife I've still got the paper copy's as well :shock:
Or put covers from girls mags on them. Readers wife's and razzle :msn4: she would go mental :shock: but it would be funny :lol: been a while since any of those have been through my hands mind you, good looking lad like me. :D alright 45 year old over weight and bald but once upon a time 8)

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