in 20 years time we are going to be the old gits

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The thing is I was 34 on Jan the 2nd , I party harder now than I ever have. As anyone who saw me at Spa, vanfest . final fling,Bug Jam , Vw Classic in La will testify . I dont feel old I just seem to work alot harder now :roll: Thats prob why I value my weekends off more :lol: Still Grazy is older than me :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Let's keep this "old gits" section going then - I too remember the 63 winter in Kent when the A2 was a pedestrian path and the sea froze for a mile out. This winter is a bit pathetic so far - a few snow drifts and frosts and the whole country stops because the risk police say so.
We had a much worse winter in York in the 70s - my 64 split was the only vehicle that week to drive from Pocklington to York, apart from Landrovers.
I'm always amazed by the number of old gits like me at shows. Many, like me, have had aircooleds for decades! Why don't we grow out of this ??? I've tried (even had a Marina once :shock: ) but always end up with a yard full of old vans and a garage full of bits :lol:
Yep another old git (well at least in the making here), I was born in the bad winter of 63 so whilst I don't remember it I was there, but I do remember walking to school through the snow in the 60's and having to wear in a coat in class as it was cold. I remember at secondary school we had the bunson burners to heat the lab as the school had run out of fuel and I set fire to my blazer, my mother was not impressed :lol: :lol:

Bunch of softies today especially those teachers (yes Windsurfer you and the others on here) who get sent home at the first flake of snow whilst the rest of us still have to go into work to pay the bills etc, If I don't turn up I don't earn any money, simple as.

My wife bought me a grumpy old man mug a couple of years ago, is she trying to tell me something?
Graham L said:
Yep another old git (well at least in the making here), I was born in the bad winter of 63 so whilst I don't remember it I was there, but I do remember walking to school through the snow in the 60's and having to wear in a coat in class as it was cold. I remember at secondary school we had the bunson burners to heat the lab as the school had run out of fuel and I set fire to my blazer, my mother was not impressed :lol: :lol:

Bunch of softies today especially those teachers (yes Windsurfer you and the others on here) who get sent home at the first flake of snow whilst the rest of us still have to go into work to pay the bills etc, If I don't turn up I don't earn any money, simple as.

My wife bought me a grumpy old man mug a couple of years ago, is she trying to tell me something?

Have to agree with you there Graham.
I was born in '65 and we had to wear coats in the unheated temporary classrooms while they built the primary school around us.
ah the good ole days.....i`m not as old as some of you and way older than others.I remember my school bus pitching one mornign when we all thought there was no was before the big storm but we had three foot of snow! The bus still pitched and we got on and twenty miles later down ungritted single lane country roads we were at school allbeit at 10am...the same driver got us home and we thought it was i`d crap myself :mrgreen:
Now I am going to get anoyed, all you lot hi-jacking what I thought was my domain, i.e. The Grumpy Old Bast*rd'. Yes I remember free school milk in those little bottles, no heating in school, just the one coal fire at home and lot of blankets with a hot water bottle, ice on the inside of single glazed metal framed windows in the bedroom etc etc etc.
'And you try telling that to the kids of today,....and they won't believe you' (copyright M. Python)

P*ss Off and let me moan in peace.....Bast*rds, the lot of ya. :D
BJ1 said:
Why don't we grow out of this ??? I've tried (even had a Marina once :shock: ) :lol:
Yep that would get me back into VWs quick smart, never to go to the dark side again.

We used to have free milk as well, the only time it was at a palatable temperature was in winter. No snow or ice here in Melbourne, but if they left it in the sun in Summer (which was often the case) I don't know how we didn't all die of botulism!!!

I can remeber when petrol was 40c (Aus) per gallon. I worked in a servo as a kid and went to school bragging of the fact I filled a customer's Falcon GTHO (google it) with $10 yes $10 entire dollars of juice. Ayear or two later I started work as an apprentice mechanic and was paid the huge sum of $19.65 for a forty hour week. Maybe that's another idea for a thread. "Grumpy Old Git's first pay packet"
and black sports mixtures didnt taste rank with a ridiculous blackcurrant flavour I mean whats all that about maynards sort your act out Lions you need to get the real article out there :x
and Mars Bars were huuuuge back in the day. 'Fun Sized' Mars Bars hadn't been invented... I mean what's 'fun' about a Mars Bar that's gone in one mouthfull? :? :lol:
There were only two or three TV channels, so it didn't take a weekend of reading the listings to decide what to watch! :lol:
sparkywig said:
What has happened to liquorice?

I got some for Xmas - it now comes in plastic bags labelled "Panda" and comes from bloody Finland :shock: Where's the long wormy stuff when you want it? And what has happened to the little salt bags in crisps?? It's the LACK of salt in everything that raises my blood pressure :evil:

As for "fun size" Mars bars (and pears and bananas) - we knew all about them in the 60s - ask Ms M Faithfull :lol:
BJ1 said:
sparkywig said:
What has happened to liquorice?

I got some for Xmas - it now comes in plastic bags labelled "Panda" and comes from bloody Finland :shock: Where's the long wormy stuff when you want it? And what has happened to the little salt bags in crisps?? It's the LACK of salt in everything that raises my blood pressure :evil:

Smiths Crisps you're thinking about. We used to pass the factory, going to school each day. Mmmmm the frying smell from the factory was lovely! 8)
As for liquorice, I was parked next to a liquorice stall at the Beach Buggin event in Southsea last summer. Needless to say the 'little boy and sweetshop' came out in me, and I ate enough that day to put me off it for quite a while after! :lol:
Gadget Boy said:
The thing is I was 34 on Jan the 2nd , I party harder now than I ever have.

im a year older, i remember when i used to go out on friday and come home sunday evening (no sleep) partying for 3 days, used to do that every weekend and spend a day in bed recovering. If i did that now id be in my grave. :character0032:
"in 20 years time we are going to be the old gits"

Thats what I said 20 years ago :lol:

I remember the days when mi mum would give me a fiver to go get the groceries.
Used to come back with two loaves, butter, joint of beef, 5 pounds of potatoes, 12 sausages, a pack of 10 beers a bottle of scotch and a pack of asprins.
Cant do that anymore nowdays.
Too many security cameras.
Trikky2 said:
"in 20 years time we are going to be the old gits"

Thats what I said 20 years ago :lol:

I remember the days when mi mum would give me a fiver to go get the groceries.
Used to come back with two loaves, butter, joint of beef, 5 pounds of potatoes, 12 sausages, a pack of 10 beers a bottle of scotch and a pack of asprins.
Cant do that anymore nowdays.
Too many security camera

Trikky2 said:
"in 20 years time we are going to be the old gits"

Thats what I said 20 years ago :lol:

I remember the days when mi mum would give me a fiver to go get the groceries.
Used to come back with two loaves, butter, joint of beef, 5 pounds of potatoes, 12 sausages, a pack of 10 beers a bottle of scotch and a pack of asprins.
Cant do that anymore nowdays.
Too many security cameras.

Funniest post I've read for yonks...thanks for that!

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