Hello from Sweden! (Hej BjörnJ in previous post!)
I am 41 years (wow that went fast

), proud owner of a 68 Kombi/Panel (hack by some previous owner)
The bus used to belong to a buddy of mine, and i borrowed it for a camping trip in the mid nineties and i was hooked, later he sold it to me for i think it was somewhere around 200£ in the late 90's (that's what friends are for eh?) I did renovate the brakes and changed the exhaust, i couldn't get the brakes to not pull right so it would never pass inspection and long story short it ended up parked at my parents house for a couple of years, when we bought a house i put in the barn where it has been standing for about 8 years.
Finally i have started working on it again and i love it, i wish i could spend more time on it but as usual life gets in the way, especially faulty daily drivers that needs urgent work and lots of money thrown onto them

I hope to get it safe and in working condition for camping trips this summer, i have to go through the brakes, fuel system and there is some beams that has to get fixed. I do have to change the horrendous tail lights also, some previous owner i guess liked the modern look of the late bay and replaced the lights with some kind of trailer lights bought at a gas station :evil:
The plan is to have a rolling restoration and the cosmetics has to wait until the fall. I'll fix the rust on the "panels" though otherwise i will not get the rest of the family with me camping

And of course the "modern" tail lights has to go!!
I don't mind the panels since i love panel vans, i would never ever do it to a bay myself but since the damage is done i will keep them, i actually think it looks good, well except the rust...
Well since you are all drooling in anticipation for pics of the beauty here ya go!!
Note the professional conversion of rear windows to panels, and the lovely lovely tail lights.
Some rot, not too shabby though, it has undercoating that seems to be mostly intact, the jacking points as to be replaced though and i'll probably will find much more as i dig into it...
Closeup of tail light, note that it got fixed with a piece that does not fit, excellent!
This is what i am aiming for somewhere down the line.
That's it for now, i'll be posting in the gallery as i go along and will torment you with questions and you will tell me to use the search function.