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Think im going to keep it stock see how it looks when we get home but i do like low and dirty like my split.
Hi guys, I just realised I've been rude and never introduced myself neither :oops:

My name is Nathan, I live in Belgium and I bought myself an april '68 early, an battered and abused ex-freiwillige feuerwehr bay.

This is my bus when I bought it :roll: :

For the moment this is how it looks 8) :

I'd love to come visit you guys at vanfest or some other meet but that'll take a while
I guess :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Hope to get it sprayed come spring...
New here, not got one at the moment but am thinking long and hard about it :D

I talked my parent's into getting one back in the mid-90s - pic below of some cool young dude with it (I can't quite work out what happened to him? :p )


Was a good van - 1700, Danbury conversion (I think - cooker under front passenger seat), I took it to VW Action one year. I love the lowlight look over the later vans, but would prefer a T1 engined one, coz bits are cheaper :lol: I wonder if TGC is still around though :?:

Had two Beetles back in the late 80s, early 90s - a marina blue 1300 and a marina blue 1303 (the '03 got turned into a Yellow & Black racer replace after a slight misunderstanding with a tractor :? ). The '03 went on the Cruise au Soleil to the Paris show one year too 8)

Haven't fully left the VW fold (2 mk 1 Golfs, mk 2 Jetta and currently a Seat Cordoba), but the air-cooled siren song is playing in my heart again! Must be why I've kept the website going all these years :lol:
welcome to EB it was a fine looking dormobile 8) , do you have any plans for another?
Johnny said:
welcome to EB it was a fine looking dormobile 8) , do you have any plans for another?

Thnx Johnny :) Yeah, I'm looking into maybe buying next year - got to decide on whether I'm leaving the IOM to head back to the UK permanently yet, as it wouldn't be particularly fair to buy a decent lowlight and then bring it over to an island in the middle of the Irish Sea, with all that salt air :lol:
Hi everybody :D

New to forum but not Veedubs,Had (and still have 1) a few T25`s,a fastback & 4 bays so far........ :lol:

Got a `69 Holdsworth conversion,poptop,still got full original interior all standard at the moment.
Glad to see this is apparently a "rare :shock: " conversion on early bays 8) ,couldn`t see many others in the roll call :!:

As found,been stood 10 yrs.

After a rushed refurb for first camping trip,didn`t get chance to wash the roof canvas :roll:
Hello New People...Im Smudge and im shot to f*ck! :lol:

This is a great place to be..since i Joined ive been welcomed and help along the way with info,how to's etc etc....

The 'Mods' do a great job of running and cleaning the place and are never far away if you need them..

Like all sites...there are rules..they are not there to tell us what to do and nothing else..they are there to help us enjoy the site..please take a moment to read them :)

Enjoy the site,the people and yourself 8)

Ps dont forget to visit the site shop...i get 10 percent for saying that bit :lol:

Smudge :)
Hello everyone,

Pretty new to this forum, but use other VW related ones Vzi, Vt, etc

I want to put my resto on here as well as Vzi, where is if any the resto section?

I use the same name on most forums BTW



Dooh didn't see this thread :roll:
smudge said:
Hello New People...Im Smudge and im shot to f*ck! :lol:

This is a great place to be..since i Joined ive been welcomed and help along the way with info,how to's etc etc....

The 'Mods' do a great job of running and cleaning the place and are never far away if you need them..

Like all sites...there are rules..they are not there to tell us what to do and nothing else..they are there to help us enjoy the site..please take a moment to read them :)

Enjoy the site,the people and yourself 8)

Ps dont forget to visit the site shop...i get 10 percent for saying that bit :lol:

Smudge :)

on the jungle juice again? :lol:

welcome all
Johnny said:
smudge said:
Hello New People...Im Smudge and im shot to f*ck! :lol:

This is a great place to be..since i Joined ive been welcomed and help along the way with info,how to's etc etc....

The 'Mods' do a great job of running and cleaning the place and are never far away if you need them..

Like all sites...there are rules..they are not there to tell us what to do and nothing else..they are there to help us enjoy the site..please take a moment to read them :)

Enjoy the site,the people and yourself 8)

Ps dont forget to visit the site shop...i get 10 percent for saying that bit :lol:

Smudge :)
wasnt a very dry night :lol:

on the jungle juice again? :lol:

welcome all
I've just joined the forum, having been lurking for a while and learnt a lot. I've a 1970 (71 year) ozzie bay Ive just had restored:



Best wishes and hope to meet some of you at Brighton Breeze
Welcome to'll deffo seek you out at BB to get a closer looksee at your suuuuuper cool trick interior 8)
hi everyone, 2nd time round on here, both times i've been lurking.. :? but i've been and got the earlybay window sticker so i thought i would say hello and post a few pics of my 68 torvette...



hope this has worked,i'm pants with computers.
Just joined the world of the earlybay - so thought I should sign up and join in!

After a long and very cold journey back from York to Cambridge on Friday night (got in at 3:30am) this 1970 Westy was finally mine :)


She was imported from Cali in June, and is solid underneath - just need to make sure it stays like that!
Hello and welcome to all Noobs :mrgreen: some really ace vans there. No settle back, post your pics up and ask as many questions as you like 8)

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