Bit of an update
Doing the rear tub I noticed the bumpstop hanger looked suspect so chopped it off
Cut it out
Cut an off cut to size
Tacked in
Seam welded in
Ground back
Spent a little time building this bad boy up. All seems to be where it should but need to get Ted at Slamwerks to mod the lower trailing arms. So will be stripping it back, cleaning up, painting bits and then back together again
Surprising how quick flash rust forms using air tools. Have an air filter but still get moisture out of the tools and this is what happens! Using electric tools for cleaning back and then getting etch on quick to try and reduce this!!
So it's fully welded in, took a while, and not the easiest of jobs, but hopefully the other side will be quicker now I know what I'm doing
Starting to come together now. Got the Autocraft arch panel clamped in place and checking for fit
Cleaned up behind bracing and good coat of zinc primer to protect
Seems to fit OK, bit of fettling needed as the original panel was so knocked about it's stretched and warped!
Cut to size
Tacked in
Welded in
Cleaning up and etching around repair to protect whilst cleaning welds up
Front edge welded in
Cleaned up and sealed
Taking shape

need to clean up a bit!!
Started the window repair on the same panel!
Rotten all the way along!
Not sure how I'm going to sort this bit! maybe spot blast it and lead load it?
Spot welded
Meanwhile James is cleaning up underneath, finishing a few welds off and giving a coat of Rust FormulaX and then a couple of coats of Rust Bullet
Looks awesome, well chuffed

Cheers Bud, appreciate the help
Meanwhile had a bit of shrinkage on the arch panel, so cut and re welded, still not 100% happy, but I'll live with it for the moment!
Where's Grazy?
So now the underneath is finished, time to check the fit of the floor. Genuine panels from Schofields with the RHD conversion plate
Looks good but the later floor panels don't fit the same as the early ones, and as the return lip on the rear bulkhead is a bit suspect, I bent a return in the end of the floor plates upwards at 90 degrees and will lap weld the rear of the floor to the rear bulkhead panel. Will be just as strong and hopefully remove a rust trap too!
Just like this
First job to prep the underside once the rear edge is folded so I'll pass over to my assistant Grazy
And then panel wiped. cleaned and some RustBullet going on
Back inside, started thinking this needs some attention pretty soon!
and back outside Grazy going for the second coat
And that's kind of where we're at

Hoping to get the small bits in the floor area done today and then get the floor plates spot welded in!