Cheers Andy

Got the bug now! got to roll her as soon as possible! Need to get to a few shows this year, Peppercorn, White Noise, Alive n Dubbin, Action, Vanfest etc (and definitely Ninove next year!) Plan is to get the underneath perfect, well as perfect as I can

Get all the chassis scraped off, cleaned up, metal ready, acid etch, seam sealed, red oxide and then white stone chip. I was going down the POR-15 route but having read so many resto's on here, SSVC, VZI etc it seems to be difficult to prep afterwards for anything else and gives mixed results. I'll give it a good coat of waxoil once it's finished which hopefully will keep it solid for a while to come! Next up is getting the rust on the body work sorted, window surrounds, arches etc and then prep and paint the repair areas so it's not going to start rotting again. The rest of the body work will wait until next winter. She's never going to be a show winner, but I do want her looking as straight and clean as possible, but not too shiny and straight that I don't want to park her in Tesco's car park!
Got the front end sorted (almost) going to be notched with Slamwerks tubs and K&L 4" narrowed beam, Transporterhaus spindles, porsche 944 brakes, but still not sure which rims to run. Might also go for a remote servo as well! We'll see

Back end getting notched with adjustable spring plates and an Oldspeed Porsche 944 brake conversion. So hopefully will be low

(aiming to get her lower than Grazy's panel

Still got to refresh the engine, which was running when I took it out, so hopefully just a case of replacing the consumable items, cleaning, setting up and adjusting then dropping straight back in. Last up will be a new loom that I'll knock up, putting enough extra's in for future bits and pieces.
Both my kids have got the bug now, this enthusiasm must be infectious! Both want to know when we can go away for a weekend

(not sure it'll be ready for the school holidays but hey!) so that's driving me too! Right, back into the garage and more "quiet work" like underseal scraping until it's OK to fire up the power tools.