Well-known member
Hi to all on eb , here's a new intro post from me poptop2 ( Malc ) yes i am on tlb too but i am a little confused as i have a 1974 registered westy ( Rhubarb we call her ) which i pleasantly surprised to find was actually made sept 72 so is classed as historic .
The confusion starts when you order parts - " oh thats a early part , thats a crossover or thats a late part " is a common response , Rhubarb has a early westy roof , petrol flap and a few other early bits which you will see in the pic i am going to attach .
A bit about me n Lou ( my vw camper mad wife ) , i began my love afair with aircoollled in about 1974/5 ish prepping for a local chap who airbrushed bugs n splitty's , in 1978 my Italian father inlaw was selling his mint 71 devon carravette , which he and the family ( Lou included ) had travelled all over europe in , Lou said we should buy it as we were getting married and it would be the only way we could afford hols , so we did by paying him in instalments- i was on less than £6g a year then and renovating our first home so it took a while , anyway we sold her when we moved in 86 " wish we had;nt ".
we then saved and bought a 73 danbury which we kept until 1993 ish ( in the days when everyone waved at a fellow dub owner ) , family commitments then meant no vw until 2007 when i bought a 83 aircoollled t25 on impulse which i spent 2 years restoring only for the family to tell me they preferred bays.
So we sold my shiny t25 and bought the westy -it turned out to be in need of a complete chassis rebuild - which is being done as you read , along the way i decided to renew - inner , middle and outer sills ,all jacking points , outriggers , all crossmembers, front valance, defo panel , lower front panel , repair siding door ( another early bit ) and refurb the beam .
Along the way we have made some new friends , cried laughed , give up and found new resolves , been skint learned the art of selling on ebay and worked hard , but the members of various vw forums have been a brilliant back up and injected some much needed humour into our live's.
So here we are on eb hoping to extend our circle of vw mates - anyone who owns a vw or old camper will be welcomed to our bus , we have no prejudices - we understand the frustrations of keeping the van on the road
This is Rhubarb - we know she does'nt have the steppy bit but please be kind
The confusion starts when you order parts - " oh thats a early part , thats a crossover or thats a late part " is a common response , Rhubarb has a early westy roof , petrol flap and a few other early bits which you will see in the pic i am going to attach .
A bit about me n Lou ( my vw camper mad wife ) , i began my love afair with aircoollled in about 1974/5 ish prepping for a local chap who airbrushed bugs n splitty's , in 1978 my Italian father inlaw was selling his mint 71 devon carravette , which he and the family ( Lou included ) had travelled all over europe in , Lou said we should buy it as we were getting married and it would be the only way we could afford hols , so we did by paying him in instalments- i was on less than £6g a year then and renovating our first home so it took a while , anyway we sold her when we moved in 86 " wish we had;nt ".
we then saved and bought a 73 danbury which we kept until 1993 ish ( in the days when everyone waved at a fellow dub owner ) , family commitments then meant no vw until 2007 when i bought a 83 aircoollled t25 on impulse which i spent 2 years restoring only for the family to tell me they preferred bays.
So we sold my shiny t25 and bought the westy -it turned out to be in need of a complete chassis rebuild - which is being done as you read , along the way i decided to renew - inner , middle and outer sills ,all jacking points , outriggers , all crossmembers, front valance, defo panel , lower front panel , repair siding door ( another early bit ) and refurb the beam .
Along the way we have made some new friends , cried laughed , give up and found new resolves , been skint learned the art of selling on ebay and worked hard , but the members of various vw forums have been a brilliant back up and injected some much needed humour into our live's.
So here we are on eb hoping to extend our circle of vw mates - anyone who owns a vw or old camper will be welcomed to our bus , we have no prejudices - we understand the frustrations of keeping the van on the road
This is Rhubarb - we know she does'nt have the steppy bit but please be kind