Roxy the '71 Panel - So That's What's Wrong With the Engine

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sparkywig said:
Better be ready for Bristol George, you'll be bringing Andy unless he pulls his finger out. ;)
Of course it will be ready! It will be coming down to Brean for VanWest mate (even if the engine is still running rough) ;)

Andy, are you going to make Bristol Volksfest this year then?

I nipped in to see the bus the other day and progress is good. Indicators are in, A-post sorted, one tub cut out, battery tray cut out (what was left of it) and new one being welded in tomorrow. Beam arrived (well, most of it :roll: ) and the good cab door repaired and back home with me to build up early next week and another cab door being picked up by Graham next week.

Wish I had taken some pictures so this one will have to do for now

Front panel is looking great 8)

Might struggle with the show as up in the Scottish Highlands the week after (so loads of fuel)..... will let you know ;)
gninnam said:
gvee said:
You're taking the bus up to Scotland in the summer? :D

Almost funny :oops:
Never said which summer... do they even get a summer up there? We barely get one :lol:
junglefacejake said:
Looking so much better George. Hopefully catch up with you this year
Yes Jake! Have you guys moved successfully then?
Little update...

Old tubs cut out

New ones getting there!

oh, and the tie-rods and ends turned up today :roll:
junglefacejake said:
Yep, in and settled. Still spending week days in East Angle Shire working on our vans.
Glad to hear it mate :) What's going on with your high-top at the moment?

trebor said:
I'm getting a bit jealous, nice to see a good job done right :)
8) Really pleased with the work that Graham (and Tom) have done. Been kept up to date throughout and every "hiccup" has been resolved.
What an effort! Bloody tubs! :evil:

This little saga has officially been dubbed Tubgate

I won't bore you all with the details but needless to say that Graham has had his work cut out getting this sorted. Not helped by supplier issues and an "interesting" design to have to start with in the first place!


Original tub was cut out in the end. Note the lovely piece of extra metal that was at the base of the tubs nestled against the arch (only attached at one end) :?

Ended up ordering some new tubs as the existing ones weren't going to cut it, so after some more cutting...

Both sides out

First arch part way in. Was bought on the basis that it was supposed to be dead simple to fit. No fettling required... I don't think Graham will agree with that statement :lol:

Infill pieces sorted, new seatbelt mount, lick of paint...

Then came re-fitting the seats... Unfortunately they wouldn't fit as the rear of the base has an angled part that now fouls the tubs. Graham has had to cut this down on the worse of my two seats so I can have something to sit on for the ride home. I will have to think of something to resolve this at a later stage.

And with the seat trimmed we can pop it back in the bus at last!

Hopefully that's the end of Tubgate for now.

Up next? Beamgate :msn4:
Great work on the tubs 8)
Shame about getting the seats to fit but I'm sure you will come up with something ;)
gninnam said:
Great work on the tubs 8)
Shame about getting the seats to fit but I'm sure you will come up with something ;)
Torn between fixing these or buying something aftermarket. Martins Porsche seats are dead comfy but I love stock seats. Even thinking of going for - ahem - late bay seats (so that I can have a headrest).

I'm sure Oz will come up with a solution :lol:
Tubs look 100% better, nice work graham .id just weld a straight tube where you've removed the original to give it strength and stop it splaying apart.had to do this with my drivers seat and shape the tub at an angle so the seat would slide on the runners and adjust the back rest...
Bit behind on things this week as I had to spend most of yesterday in A&E. Had a bit of an issue with the ticker. Have a follow up on Monday to discuss my options.

Spent the evening fettling the cab door. Back to bare metal in a few places, splash of primer and a little skim of filler on a couple of bits. I hate working with filler. Got to sand it down tomorrow...

Should I put primer on top of the filler or can I go straight for top coat?

Cab door rebuild kits have finally arrived so started wrapping my head around what it will take to build the door up. Need to find SaraJ's thread on how to build 'em up proper!

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