And it all started so well.
If you're reading this on Sunday you'll realise that things didn't go quite according to plan, as my return trip wasn't due until tomorrow. :lol:
The drive from Bristol to the Archer's at Herne Bay on Friday was issue free. A steady 50-55mph and one fuel stop at Cobham Services on the M25.
Saturday morning's trip from Herne Bay to the Eurotunnel terminal at Folkestone was the same.
But when I arrived at the check-in point, clouds of white smoke billowed from the rear. But the engine sounded fine and revved cleanly.
Well it did until I was being loaded onto the shuttle, the engine locked up and deposited a healthy dollop of oil onto the carriage.
Got to France and was towed off the train and 60 euros lighter after the cleanup.
Had to wait for an almost empty return train and was towed back to England and the services at the tunnel exit.
The AA duly arrived and after 3 relays and almost 12 hours later I arrived back home.
Cobham Services West M25
Membury West M4
And home.
Engine rebuild on the cards now, but something a bit bigger than stock I think.
**** happens, I'll try again next year, 3rd time lucky and all that.