She's here! Clara the 70 Westie

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
West Bridgford, Nottingham
Well I can't tell you how giddy I was this afternoon as I finally picked up Clara, our bus from Steve at Johnson Autoworks. I was so excited that I didn't even shout at the stupid woman who drove into the back of me at the lights on the way to pick her up! :lol:

So here is a resto thread, but a shortened version!


Here's an early picture of her, fresh in from a barn somewhere in the Belgian Alps


This is her the first day we saw her in the flesh




An obligatory wheel arch shot!

And pick the interior trim



The idea was to get seats that felt like they were from an old Jag - if I could've got some old bloke to smoke a pip whilst sitting on them for a month, I'd have done it!
And then the interior trim got fitted. It was my girlfriend's choice in the end but I am so pleased with how it looks



And a little finishing touch (Yes - she was sprayed at the same time!)

Loxy said:
Didn't realise you were that near the end when we chatted at Busfest, Shame it wasn't ready a tiny bit earlier!

Tell me about it - we knew she was running but the trimmer took 1 day longer than we needed! :roll:

But it's all good now :D
Thanks for the positive comments guys. I can't wait to get out and about in her but I've got to wait a bit longer - the engine still needs a bit of fettling so she's back for a wee tune up tomorrow :( but not for long I hope :D
Awesome bus mate! Welcome to the shiny paint club...think we are in the minority on here! :)
Humphrey said:
Awesome bus mate! Welcome to the shiny paint club...think we are in the minority on here! :)

Tell me about it - I do love a bit of patina though - I keep driving with my arm out the window in the vain hope that one day it'll come :roll: I think I need 2 busses :lol:

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