Should i paint the poptop, if so how?

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Well-known member
May 31, 2009
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Just wondering what to do with the Westy poptop on our new bus as the bus has had a bare shell respray in original pastel white L90D but the poptop was not touched so its a little sun bleached.

Do we just try giving it a good clean with a caravan cleaner or something else?


Do we paint it?

If we paint it whats best, is it something we could do ourselves with rattle cans or brush/roller or should we get a bodyshop to do it (but we are on a limited budget), what was the original finish on these were they colour coded to the body paint? gloss or matt finish etc etc

Thanks in advance

I don't think these where painted,it was the finish of the roof when it was made.lots of people do paint them it's up to you really.I would try and clean it with a specialist cleaner first though.

If you do paint it it will need flatting back,primering ,I'd use 2 pack and painting,again I'd use 2 pack paint.Or at least the person doing the spraying would,I wouldn't do it myself it would work out more as I'd probably spray it 3 times and still look dodgy.
just done mine along with the rest of the bus it had 2 coats of high build primer rubded down inbetween coats with the odd bit of stoper then a coat of normall primer then a coat of two pack it took me all week of nights and its come out allright but not perfect i spent ages making sure it was perfect. i would not want to have paid some one to do it due to the prep must of had 15 hours on it then paint is not cheap. but as vwaicooled said im not a painter :oops:
Prep: rubbed with 400 wet.

When hard I just burnished and polished. The bus is an everyday ride so is not pristine (far from it), but my point is the hard hat spray does stick to the plastic roof.

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