Splify 67 built uk panel resto

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Got side door fitted, took ages to fit all the locks and stuff as had to clean paint and threads from fixings (that darn £50 paint job it had !!) . Took ages picking paint out of crossheads . Waiting for the polishing mop started to clean bits up, spent 1/2 hr just getting paint and 53 years of crud of one door lock. Need to fit a new spring , you know the little one that's always broken. Talking of locks I had to file down shaft of new sliding door handle as it was a bit big for hole in lock mech . Started to polish front panel, ended up doing more wet flatting as it showed up imperfections I thought I had managed to smooth . Think I will flat and polish each section at a time.
Pleased with the side door fit
So another day of wet flat and mopping to look forward to , hand and wrist sore after yesterdays bash. Nearly got one side done and paint is better on the other side so less flatting. Not trying for a perfect mirror finish , panels not that flat as the Brazilian side panel shows ripples from where inner frame is spot welded on . Trying to go for a "used" finish , would like to get it sign written but run out of £s . I do know someone that does old style hand sign writing .
Just about finished wet flatting and mopping, totally knackered now!! after 4 days . Started putting doors back together, cleaning old overspray of everything even though its hidden . Found a small spring cut in 1/2 just right for the door locks, bloody fiddle to fit. Having fun getting the 1/4 light rubber to go in new alloy frame but just the one side. Think might have to shave a bit off as it will not push in, other side fits fine. Day off food shopping tomorrow so arms will get a rest-------
managed to get rubber to fit after a shave , fiddle assembling 1/4 light on your own. Fitted it then found I needed a 5mm screw for top fixing to door, in the end found some beetle glove box hinge screws that are the same. Any way got to fit new door handle (C&C pattern part) only to find the plunger doesn't more in far enough to release latch (lock mech fine) so tried old handle and that works. After a measure find its 2 to 3 mm short and works just without gasket. Will have to make a spacer washer to fit under the finger part. Bloody pattern rubish
Door handles sorted, forgot how much of a pain it is to assemble cab doors and I have done loads . Then I stuck seals on -------------
Need to adjust cab doors (before fitting seals) as they have dropped with weight of glass and stuff and there is no play in hinges. Back on mechanical stuff next, new rubbers for rear trailing arms , refitting insulation to heater pipes and stuff like that.
made a new throttle linkage and used an NOS cosmic pedal, works much better than stock. All from bits in my scrap/handy parts
Fuel tank painted and back in , have an order turned up with pedal seals, tank breather hose, pedal rubbers and screen wash jets so lots to do on Thurs
Fitted all the new bits , pedals back in , heater tube insulation back on (mega cable tie situation!) gear shift rod greased and new boots. So what next, have a list ,clean gear box , make vac connection to manifolds , fit new rubbers to rear suspension arms . All big jobs and not enthused so decided I would repair 68 only dash top (has a later one at moment) , found both shorter inner dash vent tubes but no metal securing strips . Will have to shorten later ones and cut repair panels out of later dash , after stripping stupidly thick paint found some more holes so will have to fit full width of mounting flange. 6 of the mounting screws have been ground off as well at base of screen and that's going to be a bugger to drill them out
Well its taken 2 days but
dash top repaired , skim of filler to hide pinholes and slight bumps. Just have to shorten the inner vent frames.
Sorted drag link out , went to make new one (third attempt !) and ended up using MK1 but with rose joint mounted above bracket on rack. Works fine and now anti roll bar fits . Managed to drill all but one of the dashtop to screen captives out ,broke the captive so will have to make something .
Started to clean gearbox and scrapped a dustpan heaped up of dried on crud off, where case was "clean " there was a lot of corrosion but it rotary wire brushed off. Will paint it to stop any more corrosion . Time to start on the motor fitting vac connections to manifolds , think I will just put it back in as it ran fine . Only done a few thousand since it had a top end refresh but that was a few years ago.
Well used my staff discount card and got a load of paint to do dash, found some chrome effect paint as well so see is it revives tail and front indicator reflectors . Vinyl paint for crash pad, satin for dash top. Stainless bolts coming for dash to screen with slide on tube nuts so that will fix the damaged one.
Found both wiper spindles seized, unable to release the one and ended up cutting it off. Good job I have a complete spare one, so used 2 best brass bearing parts and after welding up damaged end of spindles the 2 best arms. Swopped over the mounting frame as original was damaged/bent from the bearing bits moving . All mounted now and started to fit dash.
Brakes bleed ok .
Forgot to say for the uninitiated that it has 68 only wiper spindles-------------
Dash fitted, forgot how much of a pain getting all the pipes and handbrake in at the same !! Have done the micro switch for washers conversion . Now making relay and fuse board to fit on top of steering column plate, ran out of terminals and need some more cable colours so put order in.
Started to strip paint from steering wheel, paint stripper working but slow messy job. Yes they painted every thing blue , smoothed out dash, crash pad and steering wheel . Bit of a mullet .
Brain fried !! sorting out all the old hastily done repairs/crimp joints and connectors . Tried to repair with correct colour wire where I had some but having to work from 2 wiring diagrams as 68 one doesn't have any colour codes, luckily the 71 in an Autodata one does . All the terminals are now factory correct crimp and any joints soldered and shrink wrapped.
Well if you dont count engine and box only have 1 box of bits left , steering column bolted back to dash and sorted out a lot of fiddly bits. Still waiting for terminals to turn up, they wont post till payment cleared (WTF) looks like Paypal dragging there feet again . Plenty to do but not back on it till tomorrow .
Well new terminals not arrived (of course here when I got back home) so a bit stuck, lost one screw for front indicator lens and the 2 screws that hold lamp in so wasted ages looking. Should get wiring sorted tomorrow.
Took ages to feed wires up new sheathing , should have ordered next size up . All wiring sorted behind dash, relay/fuse board mounted , just need to test it when engine bay/rear lights sorted. Dash wiring was never tidy on a bay !!!
