Spring Valley Bus meets Corvair

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Joanne @ J & S Upholstery AKA The Trim Shack has done a fine job with the needle & thread............



Gonna look loads better than the green plaid 8)

creationblue said:
Just wrestled the quarter window rubber on :evil: then snapped the window :shock: Was a rust hole but thought ide get away with it, but guess what, I didnt :roll:


Need to source a new frame, any ideas anyone? The worst bit is knowing I have to do it all again :cry:


K&K have them NOS left & right
http://www.kieftenklok.net/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,2600/category_id,164/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,8/lang,en/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I like the new trim job! Also like the fact i'm not the only one who can't resize pictures :lol:

Dirty Harry said:
creationblue said:
Just wrestled the quarter window rubber on :evil: then snapped the window :shock: Was a rust hole but thought ide get away with it, but guess what, I didnt :roll:

Need to source a new frame, any ideas anyone? The worst bit is knowing I have to do it all again :cry:


K&K have them NOS left & right
http://www.kieftenklok.net/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,2600/category_id,164/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,8/lang,en/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Yea I noticed that yesterday, pricey but I've just damaged my thumb trying to get the old rubber out the frame Clyde send me :evil: and still can't get it out the groove grrrr gonna have to use the section off my old one and join the two together. If that don't work then I may bite the bullet and buy new.

Ok So back to the window.........the frame I got from Clyde I couldnt use in full as the vertical section was rusted behind the rubber that I couldnt get out, but fortunatly that part on my original one was in good condition, so I ground off the rivets holding the two together and married it up with Clydes frame meaning I didnt have to put the rubber back in the uprigh which was a god awfull job!! :D

Rusted old frame that snapped


Ground out the alloy rivet


painted the frame and riveted it together


Window back in, this time lubbed up with loads of veg oil :lol:


Jobs a good 'un


Had some helpers this morning. Off with the old.........(only one minor injury :lol: )


On with the new 8)


Its coming together now, got the windows to put back in then I can start fixing the furniture in place, YAY!

Need to drill a couple of holes in the floor for the new interior so have left this till last so I know where everything is going.

Looking good and Santa's little helpers doing most of the work for you - great result 8)
They were actually a help this time :shock: I was pleasantly suprised :lol:

Be glad to complete this dragging on a bit now, want to get the cab doors repaired b4 winters out then some new rimage waiting in the wings meaning a suspension tweak on the cards, well wind down the coils 8)

Can anyone tell me if I should fit the delux trim inserts in the rubbers before fitting the windows to the bus or inserts once windows are fitted?

put the trims in before you put the windows in the van. or you will be stuck with somenicely sealed windows and a pile of shiny trim bits that you cant do a bloody thing with.

guess how i know that one :roll:
creationblue said:
You gonna take the windows out again antoine? :D


not a lot of choice really. might either wait until the weather warms up to make the rubber a bit more flexible, or once im a bit lower put it in the garage and crank up the heating.
i had a fiddle with the tailgate glass end ofnovember but it was bloody freezing and i just couldnt feel my fingers enough to get them in behind the seal
antoine said:
creationblue said:
You gonna take the windows out again antoine? :D


not a lot of choice really. might either wait until the weather warms up to make the rubber a bit more flexible, or once im a bit lower put it in the garage and crank up the heating.
i had a fiddle with the tailgate glass end ofnovember but it was bloody freezing and i just couldnt feel my fingers enough to get them in behind the seal

You put them all in before you tried a trim? Shouldn't laugh should I.
come on be nice. :lol:

it wasnt me that put them in, it was the very nice man (i have to keep saying that to stop myself remembering all the tiny little fuck ups iv had to fix so far) that got my van back on the road for me.

i did mention to him that they needed to go in first, but he had put them all in that morning.
Just spent an hour wrestling with the delux trims :evil: its the most evil of things I have ever attempted :lol: If you dont have any patients and fingers that resemble sausages then please dont attempt this arse of a job, it just isnt worth the effort :mrgreen:

Then noticed C&C sent the wrong trim, but thought ide give it a go anyway, but kinked the corner when trying to straighten it............anyhow eventually I worked out how it fitted, but ran out of trim :lol:






Flimsy feckers aren't they? :roll:
Hope you kind of stretched the trim in the corners or it sort of looks bulgy when you fit the windows . Hard to describe. I'll have another go. you will have found the rubber is quite tight on the glass. It tends to want to pivot on the bare glass towards what will be the inside of outside of the bus making quite a difference to the overall length of the trim slot. When you fit the glass to the bus, the whole rubber will be squashed smaller including the slot for the trim, so you need to arrange that the trim is tight as possible. If it's too big, it can't go anywhere on the straight bits so it'll take a longer route round the corners if you see what I mean. :roll: :lol:
Thanks for the advice I'm sure to have got it wrong then :roll:

Watch this space, this may yet turn out to be a waste of time and money.....


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