Well this evening I finally finished the job - tow bar and electrics refitted, rear valence in and clutch cable adjusted correctly.
Adjusting the cable took longer than I would have liked as it was up and down on and off axle stands - safety first! 8)
Wanted to get the bite point just right -
:msn4: First attempt had the cable too tight so it wouldn't even drive out of the garage :msn4:

Second attempt bite point was too high

Third attempt and all was gravy!
Here are some pics of my progress - off camping in Stoke tomorrow so glad he is all fixed
Speedy parts delivery from Machine 7!
Nice new pressure plate
Cleaned up the old clutch lever and reused the og spring - now have a nice new repro spare
New bush kit installed with release levers
Clutch release bearing and uprated retaining springs - they were a laugh to fit :lol:
New adjusting Wing Nut
Engine going back in yesterday eve
Lining up the gearbox with the engine
Refitting the (heavy) tow bar - tool boxes were my friend!
All finished and ready to roll 8)