Tattoos anyone?

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Malvern, UK
Following my highly successful 'Skateboard anyone' thread :lol: I thought I'd give people the chance to show off their ink. I'm addicted, love tats almost as much as my Bus. Love 'em or hate 'em, at least they spark an interest! :mrgreen:

I'll start it off with my full sleeve, it's a bit unique and represents my interests; music, surfing and my family.

That's awesome 8)

I'm going to get my first next Thursday afternoon - but it won't be quite the same scale as yours!!!
I really want to get a Japanese inspire half sleeve done but cant find anyone I thinks good enough to do the work.

I love Shige work" onclick=";return false; so if anyone know of of a tattoo artist that some where near this standard please let me know.
Shit photos tats look crap in them, only these two for now but would like to extend them to fill the arms a bit more, just not sure with what yet :)



where did ya get yours done Stu?
Hiya Wind,

Right off the top, I am not a tatt kinda guy. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate 'em either.

So............I've always wanted to ask...........Do you have a total design in mind when you do tattoos? Or is it a chop here and a spider there kinda thing? Truthfully I've seen some tatts that are godawful horrible. And most of those look kinda "piecemeal". Seems to me that the really good looking stuff has a "coordinated" feel to it.

Oh and I gotta throw this in just 'cause I think it's a hoot. This story had a lot of press here in the States a few years back. Seems that some kid in Britain was sueing a tattoo artist. The kid had had Chinese characters tattooed across his back. Not speaking or reading Chinese he understood the characters to say one thing, but the tattoo artist who was Chinese had actually tattooed "Dumb White Kid" in Chinese.
Dilemma I have is whereabouts it should go.

The design I like/have in mind is a dove in a tribal style with flames around it and I have seen somthing similar on some dudes inner fore-arm - but I'm not sure that work would "dig this", so I was thinking of having it on my upper arm. But I don't really want it to be hidden when wearing a t-shirt...

Any thoughts?
Sounds to me like that would follow the natural curve of your arm. I'd think about starting on the upper arm and flowing round your elbow to your inner forearm. That would look sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet, just an idea though, that's my preference. :mrgreen:
Bookwus said:
Hiya Wind,

Right off the top, I am not a tatt kinda guy. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate 'em either.

So............I've always wanted to ask...........Do you have a total design in mind when you do tattoos? Or is it a chop here and a spider there kinda thing? Truthfully I've seen some tatts that are godawful horrible. And most of those look kinda "piecemeal". Seems to me that the really good looking stuff has a "coordinated" feel to it.

Oh and I gotta throw this in just 'cause I think it's a hoot. This story had a lot of press here in the States a few years back. Seems that some kid in Britain was sueing a tattoo artist. The kid had had Chinese characters tattooed across his back. Not speaking or reading Chinese he understood the characters to say one thing, but the tattoo artist who was Chinese had actually tattooed "Dumb White Kid" in Chinese.

Both my tats have meaning behind them, one mentions my mum, my missus and my daughter. The other has a tattooed print of my sons hand when he was 1 week old and in an abstract way represents me protecting him.

For me tattoos have a personal meaning, my next i want to represent my love of the sea so probably something along the lines of windsurfers 8)
MCVW - if your up for a drive to High Wycombe" onclick=";return false;

really nice couple

done some of mine and all my piercings very nice work and super clean, hes won his fair share of awards for his work, if your at all squimish avert your eyes of some of the piercing displays :lol:
Hi Araon,

I'm getting mine done here" onclick=";return false;

The guy doing it (Jay) has done several pieces for a couple of friends of mine:


And only this morning I've already added to my initial "dove" design - he's gonna love me LOL!!!


Araon said:
MCVW - if your up for a drive to High Wycombe" onclick=";return false;

Woody's awesome. :D
I havent been there for a good few years, Sharron's the sister of a friend, strange feeling having your mates sister handling your cock and shoveing metalwork into it.....

but your right his work is awesome
Bookwus said:
Hiya Wind,

Right off the top, I am not a tatt kinda guy. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate 'em either.

So............I've always wanted to ask...........Do you have a total design in mind when you do tattoos? Or is it a chop here and a spider there kinda thing? Truthfully I've seen some tatts that are godawful horrible. And most of those look kinda "piecemeal". Seems to me that the really good looking stuff has a "coordinated" feel to it.

Oh and I gotta throw this in just 'cause I think it's a hoot. This story had a lot of press here in the States a few years back. Seems that some kid in Britain was sueing a tattoo artist. The kid had had Chinese characters tattooed across his back. Not speaking or reading Chinese he understood the characters to say one thing, but the tattoo artist who was Chinese had actually tattooed "Dumb White Kid" in Chinese.

Hey Bookwus,
Tattoos are certainly not everyone's taste, I personally look at them as art, no matter what the quality. They're a form of self expression. Not sure I'd get Chinese lettering though :lol:

Regarding my sleeve, I always knew I wanted a full sleeve and had some ideas (sea, surfboard, flowers etc) but then it's down to the Artist's impression. My whole sleeve was drawn on free hand (no stencil's) over time, so as such is completely unique. It's an exciting process, going to the Artist with something in mind and seeing them make it real.

I now have a full sleeve and a half sleeve, thinking of stopping there but I do fancy a VW related tat. Seem to have everything else I love on my sleeves (i.e. family, music, surfboards, hot rods, skateboards), only fitting that I get a VDub.

Keep the pics coming :mrgreen:
I'm getting my first tat on sunday!!!! :mrgreen: Having a nautical star on my left elbow. The dude says it's gonna hurt like hell cos its on the elbow and apperently i've quite devloped well arms as he put it . It better turn out good, or thats 90 rubs wasted :lol:
Westy Richardson said:
I'm getting my first tat on sunday!!!! :mrgreen: Having a nautical star on my left elbow. The dude says it's gonna hurt like hell cos its on the elbow and apperently i've quite devloped well arms as he put it . It better turn out good, or thats 90 rubs wasted :lol:

Yep, elbows are super painful but worth it! Don't get why having developed arms makes a difference :oops: it how close it is to the bone and nerve endings that causes the pain. Muscular areas like the bicep hurt far less than elbows, ankles or ribs! :lol:

Post a pic when you get it done, look forward to seeing it. Presume you mean something like this?
Araon said:
Now that just looks too gay......your mrs not worried about your picture stash....

Whatever Dude, they're two professional Windsurfers, one's my mate and his Mrs is SUPER hot :oops:

My Mrs would be far more worried about me saying that than having a pic of Robby having his hair cut :lol:
got a couple on my legs that i got done, with no thought or planning just had them done one morning when i was board, when i was 18 :roll: got a chinese symbol on the back of my ankle hurt like a motherfucker, got my own design on my shoulder, and angle and a daisy (my daugthers name) surounded by the sun (as in there my sunshine) i've been drawing and collecting pictures for years gonna have it in a sleave in winter :D
dubscum said:
got a couple on my legs that i got done, with no thought or planning just had them done one morning when i was board, when i was 18 :roll: got a chinese symbol on the back of my ankle hurt like a motherfucker, got my own design on my shoulder, and angle and a daisy (my daugthers name) surounded by the sun (as in there my sunshine) i've been drawing and collecting pictures for years gonna have it in a sleave in winter :D


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