The best car you have driven.

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Wow - thats quite a diverse list of cars building up on here. Something for everyone.

Seeing as theres a lot of pics being posted up heres one of the 90 :-


In the summer I use this :-

Not any pictures afraid but the nicest car I've driven is my 1986 BMW E28 5 series. Fast, comfortable and super smooth 6 cylinder engine. Sadly that is off the road now due to a snapped head bolt which warped the head :( that will be my project once the bus is how I want it

I use a 58 plate Land Rover Discovery commercial 3.0L TDV6 for work and although it suffers from turbo lag that's a nice drive, will hit 100mph no problem. Great off road too :D

Loving my current daily, Alfa Romeo 156 sportwagen. (2 litre JTS). Pulls so strongly from no revs, hit 3 grand and it really gets going, 4 grand and it takes off like a scalded cat right up to the 7 grand red line! Ok, bit of an exaggeration but it's the way it does it and the sound that is so enjoyable. Along with really comfy supportive leather seats, brilliant driving position, excellent gear change etc etc. I'm sure the doom mongers will have their day when it breaks down but for now I'm absolutely loving it :)
My westy of corse!! 8)
When i picked her up from bristol & drove her all the way home to nothamptonshire.
I loved every minute of the journey, what a buzz.
Even though the red light of death was on after 10 min of leaving Pill!!!
bananacustard said:
Mind numbingly boring I know but our mk4 Golf SE Tdi estate takes some beating. Goes like stink and averages about 55mpg. Love it :D ! Nice contrast to the bus.
I`ve just bought one of these to replace our mk3 , really impressed with it so far!
madman said:
marco said:
My Mazda 323F, the old one with the pop-up headlights, ....

I had one of them once, loved it. I managed to red line the rev counter in 5th!! :shock:

I'm surprised I never killed myself in it, my wife hated it because of the lights, but I always secretly imagined that it was 007's Lotus :msn4:
Trikky2 said:
Pete B said:
the doom mongers :)

You called ?? :lol:

ps. Alfas are often great to drive :)

Ha ha ha!!!! Trikky, am sure you can imagine some of the comments from mates (in the trade especially) such as;

'You've bought a WHAT???!!!!!'

'If I knew you were hiring a skip I'd have bagged up the garden rubbish....'

and of course the all encompassing


Having said that, every disparaging comment has been followed with 'They do drive nice though,' or a similar positive comment. ;)

And it does. It is quick but not the fastest, goes round corners well but not the best handling and the brakes are a bit wooden I have to say. For an estate car the cargo space is woefull, think the saloon has a bigger boot!
Who cares? looks lovely (to me anyway) and it's how it does what it does that makes it by absolute miles, the best car I have ever owned for sheer driving pleasure. BMW used to say 'the ultimate driving machine'. They may technically be right, but I doubt the Beemer would cause the same stirings in the trouser department. Yes, really, I absolutely love this car to bits, anything that drives better would have to be something very special.

marco said:
madman said:
marco said:
My Mazda 323F, the old one with the pop-up headlights, ....

I had one of them once, loved it. I managed to red line the rev counter in 5th!! :shock:

I'm surprised I never killed myself in it, my wife hated it because of the lights, but I always secretly imagined that it was 007's Lotus :msn4:

Ha! Like it!

Mine wasn't UK spec, I was living in Cyprus at the time and the local spec meant the car sat a little higher than a UK one, probably because of the state of the roads, but it still handled well. I found it redlines in 5th at 200Kph! (124mph) (allegedly! ;) )
My favourite car depends what I am doing. If it involves all the family then my current family wagon, Mercedes ML 350 Sport, is pretty hard to beat. It is fast enough, drives welll and can cope with pretty much everything I have thrown at it in all weathers, you can cover huge mileages in comfort. And devours all but the kitchen sink that we apperently require when going anywhere...

If it is just me then its a close call, mR32 was relly really good fun but that was almost 10 years ago. It was lowered on coilovers, had a miltek exahust and was remapped. Fast fun and thristy, fitted it with BBS CH's


A few cars later I bought myself a z4 coupe sport. Loved it, thrashed it, drifted in it. Brilliant fun. One of my favourites. BBS CH's appeared on this as well (can you tell what my favourite wheel is yet...)




My current daily driver is a Mercedes E350 sport convertable. Had it 14 months. It's remapped so nice and fast, can cover larges mileages with little effort. I love it, I must do as I haven't start to look for a replacement yet. Very unusual as I normally keep my cars 6 months and then start looking a replacment...

I spent 7 weeks driving around UK and France in my late bay (See below) a few years ago and I had a permanant grin so in that respect it has to be the best. However for pure driving it is a close call between my ML430, 328 convertible, or the 4.4i X5 all very expensive on the petrol :shock:

Trikky2, nice Pug 205 cab. you've got there! 8)
My daily is a Pug 205 diesel (the second one I've owned). Perhaps not the best car I've driven, but certainly not the worst either! :lol:

I've never owned or driven performance/sporty type cars as such, so probably the bay gets my vote for its sheer smile factor when behind the wheel! :mrgreen:
Danbury Doug said:
Trikky2, nice Pug 205 cab. you've got there! 8)
My daily is a Pug 205 diesel (the second one I've owned). Perhaps not the best car I've driven, but certainly not the worst either! :lol:

I've never owned or driven performance/sporty type cars as such, so probably the bay gets my vote for its sheer smile factor when behind the wheel! :mrgreen:

Thanks - agreed its not the best car I have driven but its amongst them. I would definitely recommend trying a petrol 1.4 or 1.6 when you can - its different to the diesel :D

Like all descriptive terms it also depends on what each person considers "best" to actually mean. I think thats the fun and why there is such a variety of vehicles on here - each of them has something that makes it special to the person.
Trikky2 said:
Thanks - agreed its not the best car I have driven but its amongst them. I would definitely recommend trying a petrol 1.4 or 1.6 when you can - its different to the diesel :D

Like all descriptive terms it also depends on what each person considers "best" to actually mean. I think thats the fun and why there is such a variety of vehicles on here - each of them has something that makes it special to the person.

My brother had a Pug 205 GTI. I've driven that once or twice.

Yes, everyone is different. For me its more of a sentimental thing, hence I generally go for cars that have a bit of a connection with, in the past... hence the Danbury of course! :D
For pure fun, and certainly the best drivers car I've owned I can't beat my old RX8. I was lucky it was the RX8 TYPE S 230 BHP (HIGH POWER) version .....

best test drive ... Honda S2000, but as that was going to be the wife's daily settled for the Z4 2.5 version. I do like the top down on a car, and now I've just changed to a BMW 320 diesel convertible, not so much a drivers car but a nice compromise

But thank god I've got the bus :lol:
Well it's nice to know I share the same taste in cars as well as the same taste in vans with a few of you!

My daily driver is a Rocco, and it's so good I've just ordered another one. Cos i do loads of miles for work (60,000 per year) I can only lease them for 2 years, but it does 50 mpg and is plenty fast enough for the 6 points on my licence!

In fact it's so good it's weaned me off my Alfa addiction! Had a 155,156 sportwagon exactly like Pete B, 164, 166, GT but my favorite was my beloved GTV, the best car I have ever owned. :worship:

The worst best car was my first, at least it got me ready for unreliable air cooled engines and going very slowly :lol:
Chris73 said:
Well it's nice to know I share the same taste in cars as well as the same taste in vans with a few of you!

The worst best car was my first, at least it got me ready for unreliable air cooled engines and going very slowly :lol:

Ah - a charlston. They have got pretty rare even over here and in good condition you wont see much change out of 5000 or more :shock: . I have had 2 2CVs. One was a 1950s one with the tiny engine, the other, one of the last. Terrible vehicles to drive and yet, at the same time, a total hoot [confused smily]
A Renault velsatis great for covering long distance ,very comfortable seats as for reliably let's just say it was very French ,and marmite looks I like it nice to be different
Ps got pic of net as most never hear of one, a Renault wtf

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