Started to strip the standard beam down to sell
And swap parts.
New split screen beam turned up and wrestled with it to get it on!
Adjusters already built in
And the same day... Box of goofiest turned up

best kind of boxes these
New clutch for fitted
Along with new gear linkage connector
Then... Time to get the gearbox and starter fitted
And also the exhaust courtesy of Austin
Had austins golf in for MOT...
Low are all these cars should be!
Accept when I ripped the bumper on when driving it off the brake rollers :/
And also my apprentice in the last picture, this is his 106 after a Volvo hit him
Lucky isn't the word!!
Battery tray pretty much finished, along with the other side
Started to strip the doors. Struggle with one and left the other for now
Painted the servo and the master cylinder
And sanded alot..
Can't tell you how Much I hate prep!!
Good by og
And more sanding
And more ...
Few little helpers
And the man himself... he's useful for something
The layers I've had to go through
a beautiful t25 in for MOT
Shiney bits are always good
Finished the inner valance today
Going to try and get the outer valance on this week
Almost finished the lower arches on both sides too
This ***** all that's keeping me going doing 16 hour days kill me