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Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
Near where i live there is a few Early Bays sitting growin moss on flat tyres etc . i just wondered what you lot would do if you saw one locally , would you go and knock and offer a few quid , or say youll take it off em for nothing . Or just keep driving and leave it to fester and die . I have nowhere to store them just think it`s a crime to see bays all sad and lonely .
Mate if you don,t someone else will. I,ve been to slow in the past / backwards at coming forwards, if you don,t ask you won,t know, just be polite & don,t try to rip them off they might be in the know.
I agree - you've got to be sure you could give it a home, after all they might say yes!

It does pay to be prompt though - I've missed out before because I was a bit shy/didn't want to offend!
Safest way to play it is knock on the door and ask if they have any plans for it, then drop into conversation that you'd be interested if they were selling - let them take the lead on the price though - if you pay what they ask (or close to it) then they can't accuse you of ripping them off!
Like I said, prepare yourself for the chance they'll say yes, but be realistic about the price/work involved!!!

Knock and offer to take em off there hands, allot of people still have a few about they just want to get rid of and cant be bothered to get em take away.

Go fo it quickly!! :D
^^^ What Easy said.

Offer to take them off there hands dude. See what they will take for them. Obviously they can't know much about them if they have let them get into that condition! :wink:

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