whats yours called and why

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
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my bus is called FT,as suggested by my wife because every time I came in from the garage after trying to do something the first words I would say was f***ing thing :)
Mine's Shelley, the PO called her Patsy as they bought it on Paddy's Day but we didn't like the name but didn't want to forget the history. The PO had been to Shell Island and put a number of shells across the dash (which we removed) and she became known as Shelley!
Mine's called Lalita Tripura Sundari, she is named after a Hindu red goddess as she is a red dormobile.

The kids call her Betty though!
Ours is called Leonard after the previous owner in Sacremento who was Alan Leonard according to the old paperwork that was kicking around in the back :mrgreen:
'Doris the Dormobile'
- Doris to go with Dormobile.
- Doris because its an old ladies name.
- Doris,traditional english name because she has always been a UK bus.
Mine is called Poppy as when I first had her, her engine was plop and everywhere we went she "popped" so its poppy :wink:

I did nearly call her Tamika or Maria (as in Maria Carey) as she is high maintenance :lol: :wink:
We call the van 'the van'.

The bug gets called 'the bug'.

If I had a dog I would probably call it 'the dog'.

Despite the absence of a name the van definitely has person status though, always gets a pat on the dash when he gets us to the top of a hill or we arrive at the beach. :D
'Peggy' after the PO's dead granmother. the bus was like a grotto to her :shock:

I come from a long line of Trawlermen and its mortally bad luck to change the name of vessel. Its also bad luck to have a woman on board, but i havent told the missus yet :lol:
the missus calls ours "kernow " because its cornish blue and i`m from there too....my previous one was called singer cause it sounded like a fookin sewing machine :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
surely there all she,s???there good looking and cost a fortune.

sorry but men are just ugly
strongy said:
sorry but men are just ugly

Speak for yourself.

With a bit a bit of slap, red heeled shoes and the right outfit I'm pretty sure I could look like the back end of a bus. :wink:
Mines Geoff.
I'd chosen the name a long time ago in the pub, some mates decided having a Van would be like having another mate, so he became "Geoff, one of the lads".

Then took 2 years to find one who suited the name. PO called the poor fella Daisy (but we don't remind him of that, unless he's playing up)
mine called WEBSTER as he has always attracted webs and spiders.

you can hover every nook and cranny and still he will get them

he even has his name in stainless steel on the grill

as seen in the pic along with BOD the beetle as in the plate 3OD

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