which twin carbs

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Active member
Nov 7, 2009
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Hello everyone
I have a 1584cc twin port engine with a 009 dizzy with electronic ignition and a single quiet pack. I currently have a stock 34PICT 3 Carb, but I am wanting to convert to twin carb set up. I'm looking for a moderate increase of power but also relatively good return on the mpg return. What would anyone suggest?
Advice and help required, please
Thank you, regards

I have a similair setup and went down the weber ICT 34 route as this gave me the slight increase in HP and MPG at a reasonable cost, as I've no intention of going above my current 1641 I don't need the more expensive (but likely superior) Dellorato or kandron's e.t.c

My research gave me best bang for buck - either way, for complete knowledge and customer service (I was v.impressed) I'd recommend speaking to eurocarbs as they do a number of different manufacturers, all jetted correctly and will no doubt be able to confirm their thoughts on what would best suit you - along with EB members who have tried a variety of different types!
i went for twin 40's from eurocarb anticipating getting reworked heads further down the line and they are great, good power increase and getting 26-28mpg on motorway runs (a lot less when giving it a blast on smaller roads though). its nice having more power available even though its not used that often which you might not get from the 34's

what about twin 36's?

another recommendation for eurocarb - good advice and support all the way
Do you feel the difference with twin 36's as in more responsive? What's peoples thoughts on changing the stock solex to a twin down draught 36? ( single on a pre maid manifold) I know beetle cup cars used to use them

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