you gotta love vzi?

Early Bay Forum

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Its up to all of us to make sure that Early bay does not end up like that, 75 pages of absolute rubbish
stating the bleedin' obvious though i may be, VZi is simply a victim of its own 'success'... the more established it becomes, the more users it has, and with this comes its own set of challenges... i don't post on there anymore, through a lack of time more than anything else, but i'd never criticise the place; it's a very interesting microcosm of early 21st century society. yes, that post IS 75 pages of utter UTTER **** but i still sat and read through it all so that says more about me than anybody who posted on it maybe

hell, i even prefer the smilies on there

this place reminds me of nothing more than the 'just kampers' forum circa 2002 :)

(albeit without the casual racism)
this place reminds me of nothing more than the 'just kampers' forum circa 2002 :)

Pardon my ignorance but is that a good or a bad thing in your humble opinion :?:
the councillor said:
stating the bleedin' obvious though i may be, VZi is simply a victim of its own 'success'... the more established it becomes, the more users it has, and with this comes its own set of challenges... i don't post on there anymore, through a lack of time more than anything else, but i'd never criticise the place; it's a very interesting microcosm of early 21st century society. yes, that post IS 75 pages of utter UTTER **** but i still sat and read through it all so that says more about me than anybody who posted on it maybe

hell, i even prefer the smilies on there

this place reminds me of nothing more than the 'just kampers' forum circa 2002 :)

(albeit without the casual racism)

Exactly, VZi covers a far wider spectrum (people and posts) than a lot of other forums making it a better representation
of 'real life', and to date it is the only forum that has made me cry* with laughter, don't focus on the negative. ;)

Graham L said:

Its up to all of us to make sure that Early bay does not end up like that, 75 pages of absolute rubbish

Pointing the finger and criticising another forum and its members isn't part of the plan I presume?
I'm sorry I posted now, I'll shut up and go and post on Vzi :cry:, first time anyone on here as had a go at me for agreeing with someone else.

And if you really think vzi is more representative where the moderators allow officers of the law to be called 4 letter words on a public forum then I'm sorry we have very different views about whats acceptable,
Graham L said:
I'm sorry I posted now, I'll shut up and go and post on Vzi :cry:, first time anyone on here as had a go at me for agreeing with someone else.

And if you really think vzi is more representative where the moderators allow officers of the law to be called 4 letter words on a public forum then I'm sorry we have very different views about whats acceptable,

I wasn't having a go, (I quoted you as you were near the reply box :lol: )

Just pointing out a simple concept - if you don't like it;don't do it.

The VZi debate is now spilling out on to Early Bay, which is exactly what the members here want to avoid.
i must admit to being slightly obsessed with these here forums :oops:

i mean, without going down the path of "aren't i wacky... look, look... my socks don't even match" i accept that i have an obsessive side to my nature... or possibly just an obsessive personality. :oops: again. i'm a geek as well... i had a few glorious years where circumstances dictated that i was a bit *cooler* (for want of a better word) but as mrs councillor said the other night (and just the idea of referring to my wife as the female equivalent of my cyber personality... absolutely ridiculous) i have descended almost totally back to where i was as an adolescent, only without the bono-style quasi mullet. i digress.

anyway, i wasn't one of those who rode the first wave on the information superhighway, but it's got to be a decade now since i became aware if it and its 'uses', although it was only really the (planned) synchronicity of becoming a parent and a bus owner which brought my 'obsession' with forums to the fore (no pun intended).

like anybody, with spare parts and the like not necessarily readily available in halfords or somesuch, it's only natural to turn to the internet as a source of spare parts, and any search for parts back then tended to lead one to schofields or JK in particular, and i'm only guessing here, but it seems obvious that the 'forum' there or indeed any forum of a similar automotive nature might have started merely as a way for people to trade technical advice, and gone on from there, given the social nature of our specie. species. whatever.

but, and i dunno if it's just me... it's a dangerous world you're entering where one post, and that's all it takes, and all of a sudden it's like, "i'll just check if i've got any replies..." and before you know it, "oh, no replies but what's mr blue camper going on about here... i don't think that's right..." and you're off. now, like i say, somewhat fortuitously this period for me coincided with a time when i was 'stuck' in the house with an infant who spent a fair bit of time asleep in the day, i couldn't make a noise for fear of waking him up, obviously couldn't go out, what are my options ? read a book ? yeah, been there, done that, great it was. magazines ? got 'em coming out of my ears thanks. the internet. oh, ok, i'll give that a go... "hold on, that's not the correct torque setting for a flywheel gland nut on a type 1..." etc. etc. etc.

i think it's fascinating, and terrifying in equal measures, the amount of time i waste (or wasted) sitting here tip-tapping this drivel out... but i can't help it. it's ace :p knowing when to reign it in, switch it off and eat an apple and go for a walk is difficult but i'm making (slow) progress :roll:

where VZi is concerned... no, actually it's no different to any other forum, or any other factory or office or playground across the planet... sure there is a natural 'hierarchy' and yes there are some desperate saddos on there, just as there are some right *********, some really kind-hearted souls and some people (and they know who they are) who are just downright cool (again, for want of a better way of putting it) and they stand out for me like a sore thumb... i do go on there and read stuff still and just occasionally amongst the pages and pages and pages of **** there'll be some little throwaway comment ('cos it's always the ones who aren't trying too hard) that'll just make me think, "YES... that was worth the effort" 8)

i say this place is like JK in 2002 because it's a small forum, it has a 'family' feel to it, and because i'm a 'know it all' by nature i'm still delighted by some of the technical naivety shown on here... at times on VZi (if i'm to offer any criticism at all) it struck me a bit at times like 'i've just got my first bus and i'm hoping to put airbags, porsche brakes, ABS, fuel injection, turbo, lazers etc. etc. on it' whereas on here the technical questions are so genteel in their nature (how do i wire up a leisure battery ? really ?
) that i feel i have to stay out of tech. for fear of upsetting the applecart... and stuff like that wishbone thing that red9 have come up with is held up as some sort of modern day excalibur

plus... a poll to decide what time for earlybayers to meet up at @ dubfreeze ? aah, bless :wink: that's the bit i don't get about all of this... this place is where i come to escape from real life, and problems with emptying the dog dirt bins in the park, and who'll win the contract for getting rid of the weeds on the riverbank, and all the rest of the dross... why would anybody want to 'meet' somebody off here in the flesh, when you can leave them cryptic messages on an internet forum that they'll in all probability never read or understand ?

*beats me*

Interesting thread and comments, I agree with almost everything thats been posted, in various measures.
I love to waste an hour or two reading Volkszone .... its the broadest section of VW related British society on the net, so is fascinating, enlightening, saddening and encouraging in equal measures.
The forum isnt representative of anything other than those who individually post.
Graham L said:
I'm sorry I posted now, I'll shut up and go and post on Vzi :cry:, first time anyone on here as had a go at me for agreeing with someone else.

And if you really think vzi is more representative where the moderators allow officers of the law to be called 4 letter words on a public forum then I'm sorry we have very different views about whats acceptable,

Without wishing to start an argument, I feel it is good that people have freedom of speech, both on here and on VZi. The moderators may allow it, but it doesn't mean they agree with the views.

This forum just has a more upbeat vibe to it than VZi, but in a forum with as many people as VZi has, there is a much greater chance of having disagreements. I find it amusing to read the threads in question, but I wouldn't allow myself to get wound up by any of the views expressed. It is no different to walking into a pub.

Some are nice, quiet places like earlybay. Some are larger, louder and have more 'disagreements'.

You can't please everyone all of the time :) - I'm just happy to be a part of both (and mostly use VZi for Tech, readers rides, sales etc rather than 'chat').

I've met some cool people through EB, and some cool people through VZi. 8)
We had our first 'troll' on our local forum today, he was blocked after two postings.

One day we'll be as big as VZi...


what is funny about vzi, is how much people reveal about themselves to strangers. Their political opinions, relationship troubles...weightloss preferences, . If you get stuck in an airport lounge with a hour or two to kill with your laptop... it is can be a facinating insight into the human psyche.
pinstriper said:
If you get stuck in an airport lounge with a hour or two to kill with your laptop...

oh, don't try and dress it up :wink:

the place (are they all like vzi ? i only frequent here, there and certain liverpool ones and they're on a different plane altogether) is like a giant soap opera... i'm forty years old, am married in a 'stable' relationship and have a child who i love dearly, but there are still some days when i wake up and the first thing i think of is, "i wonder what XxXxX's up to over on VZi"
but there are still some days when i wake up and the first thing i think of is, "i wonder what XxXxX's up to over on VZi" Image

but can you be bothered to post...if say they wont let you use the loo in a takeaway pizza place...or someone in your office farts....?? thats what I find fascinating :wink:

its about here I loose interest unless someone starts posting pics of slammed vans :)
The problem i have with VZi are the egos, thank God we dont have any over here. We might be a bit parochial here but ill be fcuked if im going to come away from a conversation and feel ****. The problem is that people posting that **** dont understand how it may affect the other person on the receiving end, i know ive come away feeling like utter **** after being insulted by someone i dont even know but if i could have got my hands on them id be doing time. Maybe im a bit too sensitive but 9 times out of 10 someone will shoot you down.

I like the mix here and when someone completely new can ask a niave question and get a straight answer without some **** trying to score points by taking the piss out of them for the benefit of his ego and his mates.

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone as soon as Shes' finished, as this place always helps me feel positive and get inspired from watching the other projects progressing alone.

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