So was told today we are going to the coast because " I " am suffering from cabin fever.
We jumped in the little car as the bus has no engine in it at the moment. Popped down to the Dorset coast
had some lunch and popped in to a few places. Miserable weather all round .
However a nice surprise in the car park in Branscombe. Spotted it first leaving Seaton going up the hill.
Looking very nice indeed! Jumped out and had a quick nose around.
My 'Old Nell' just prior to being sent to the 'fettlers' for bits n bobs ready for this years show season; her first outing in 5 years after a hefty resto.
My 'Old Nell' just prior to being sent to the 'fettlers' for bits n bobs ready for this years show season; her first outing in 5 years after a hefty resto.
Thanks, thats very nice of you to say so, but to be honest, the photo is a bit flattering.
This is her better side.
She's currently with Deaddubz in Derbyshire having the sliding door bottom half grafted on after having been missing in action for the best part of 5 years.
The colour is probably something like Savannah Beige. When we were looking for the colour we couldn't find a name or code for it so had some mixed up from a picture in a magazine. The finish is Matt-ish. We gave it a quick (homemade) blow over after all of the new panels were welded on to bring it back to one uniform colour. If you look at the roof, it's still half white, half overspray... A proper paint job will probably have to wait until next year now.
Here's an extremely photogenic photo of my bus which manages to hide a HUGE number of flaws (obviously not all of the PO's painted gaffa tape...)! This is what keeps me going during the rebuild...