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but dont sell your bus

Don't really have any other option - can't weld, don't have storage for the bus (and our bug), and we don't have the kind of funds required to get her back ship-shape and Bristol like :cry:

Will be going on eBay this weekend...
ok dude needs must i guess

I think i've spent far to much on mine already and the missus dont know the half of it i've got a box hidden in the shed full of crap i've bought for it but not yet fitted she has no idea about lol.
sorry but looks like early next week now for the first set so wont get chance to fit them till the weekend

cant really rush the guy he's doing it for pretty much cost!

will post pics as soon as they arrive
still waiting for the first set dude was promised it 2 weeks ago but still no sign of it! The guy who's making them had a bad smash in his car last week so i feel a bit bad hasseling him but if he aint got there by this weekend i might have to make em myself lol.

i'm keeping going thou we'll get there n as soon as i have anything for you i'll post it up i promise.

luckily the weather aint really camping weather yet!
right ditched the metal work guy now just pissin me about so found someone else got to draw them up for him and he can start straight away so fingers crossed this time in a week or two have some set ready

why do people just say they cant do it instead of pissin you about until you've had enough and take your business elsewhere?
Hi all,

What's the score on the hinge front?

Just had a rock n roll bed fitted in our project Bus for a how-to feature and it looks pony.

These hinges are exactly what I'm after but have they been made up yet - anyone seen any in the metal?


i've got an original set on my kitchen table as i'm currently re designing them very slightly to make them easier to manufactor should be done tonight then i'll take the drawings to potential manufactorer number 3 this time.

i'll be honest its been a long slog to get this far and if this guy lets me down i'll open the floor to anyone else who wants to giver it a try!

but hopefully should have the first prototype set finished in a week or two!

Hello Dave, do you want me to give it a try down here the guy deals in prototyping and one offs and small runs, the few bits I've had done have been well priced......
tell you what mate when i've finished the drawings i'll email you them and you can see what he says?

redesign completed now in production at long last!

should have the first set within a week or two then we can go intro production once were confident they work.

sorry its taking so long everyone!

WOW! They look awesome! :shock: :D

Out of interest which parts have been modified/redesigned from the original? Do these mod's improve the design/usability, or were they implemented from a reproduction purpose?

Also, are you gonna copyright them, or apply for a patent - I'm sure you could make a few bob out them? Can you do this considering they are copies of an existing product?


The redesign is minimal to be honest its mostly been so we can make them using the most economical manufacturing method to keep the price down as we will only be making a few sets and not mass producing and no one wants to pay £250 a set!

After the first set are made we will look into possible improvements like a locking feature for the bottom and top elements to improve safety!

Watch this space this is going to happen!

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