Johnny said:
how long did it take to do underneath?
johnny, it took me about 15 days.... maybe a few more. But there was some mishap along the way ....
I really believe that with a larger air compressor (about 200L or 300L) or 2 air compressor with 100L each but with a larger and more powerfull engine (instead of 2 HP, at least 3 ou 4HP each one), I could make it in half that time...
The sandblaster needs pressure of 8 to 6 BAR for an optimal performance.. and of course, new ceramic ferrules, because when they are too used, the performance drops a litle.
And don't forget that I had already spent some days scraping the anti-stoneship (anti-gravel) because if you try to remove it with the sand blaster, then you'll need 8 BAR, a completely new ceramic ferrule and proper sand for the job (with a lot of silica)...
and, if you use one of these machines:
Body Roller the job will become much more easier because you will always see where the sand is hiting...
Doing this kind of work lying under the bus, is not the best choice, because the dust and sand will fall over your mask and will not let you see easily where you're cleaning and besides, there isn't much light either even if you use a lamp like I did (pictures to come :mrgreen: ).....
I hope I have made myself understood with my rusty English