1972 Crossover Dormobile - Full Restoration Work In Progress

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Loxy said:
Of course it might also be worth pointing out that your bus was white from the factory ;)

yep pastel white all the way - i'll have to look into shades of white :)

with a white and black interior i will have to think about what interior to have now lol

i have been thinking about these for the front cab and sliding door doorcards:


Nafe, loving the door cards, verry cool

As for the outside, i prefer the white one with the black roof, how about adding the Porsche logo down the side? also an advantage of this over a netalic colour is it wont show the imperfections up so much due to the ammount of work it has had with new pannels ect.
Loxy said:
AxlFoley said:
how about adding the Porsche logo down the side?.

That was my suggestion as well ;)
Or how about "Campera" in the Porsche Carrera stripe/font down the side ?
Or even "haveacampera" :lol:

:lol: :lol:

Like the door cards 8)
looks good in the white mate gloss black for the detailing as opposed to anodising.

dont know if youve got your gbox sorted since i took the last one the nelly had haning off your engine :oops: but a bloke on vwkd has a 6 rib for sale with longer 4th for £500. should see you get the best out of that awsome engine.

here is a link and its not sold at the mo http://www.vwkd.co.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?t=2930" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

looking forward to hearing that engine again
Hi nafe

Deffo the white with black roof matey looks ace,wish i could have painted my roof black but had a devon pop so would look poo!!! i painted mine cool white vw colour 72 i think have the code at home if we get together at this meet you will see it
and deffo go for white and black interior mate will match in with dash etc unless painted of course!! and the door cards look well cool
my tuppence anyway
here is the white and black mocked up with a dormobile roof:

Looks great.... but how do you guys mock up these images from Bus selecta..... do you all do customise the images with photoshop or the like..... or am I missing out on some whole new version of bus selecta that has pop tops and other selections etc????
Haveacamper said:
i prefer that pedel too, i have darkened the red and made the little strip in black:

Looking good, but to my eyes, the white on black looks better (will lighten up the interior too...) ;)
i know what yhou mean about the white on black and lightening the interior up. my only apprehension is the whole interior is going to be blakc and white and would like a little bit of colour in it. i thought that the red would pick up on the brake calipers and not look out of place - a bit like a girl having matching bag and shoes which is a differnt colour to what she is wearing :)

either way i am a little while off yet, just wanted to tyr and get some of these decisions on paper as the interior has to work with the exterior, with the wheels, the trim etc etc

my biggest worry at the moment along with the paint and style is what to do with the interior with regards to cupboards. i really like the dormobile layout so will be keeping this although it will be a bit more modern. i thought working the dormobile bed intot a full width too, but i find putting it up a bit of a faff. Thats when i thought about a rock and roll bed. However, what i dont like about changing to a rock and roll bed is the storage space you lose above the engine bay. i know that i could have an overhead locker, but the storage the dormobile bed gave was alot more practical and usable.

has anyone managed to get a way of having the rock and roll bed, and keeping the height? or is there an existing option on the market, or would it be easy to modify a dormobile to make it simple to erect - similar to rock and roll without having to use the table...

Just an idea.

Under the seat base, attach 2 wooden or metal hinged poles, so when the seat is lifted up, these poles come down to the floor - could have a smaller one in the middle to then stop the backrest and seatbase from folding (can see it in my head, but still looks fiddley - plus you would then have trouble storing the table!!!)

I really like the red on black, but is the red piping or stiching ?

I think red stiching would look smarter.


gninnam said:
Just an idea.

Under the seat base, attach 2 wooden or metal hinged poles, so when the seat is lifted up, these poles come down to the floor - could have a smaller one in the middle to then stop the backrest and seatbase from folding (can see it in my head, but still looks fiddley - plus you would then have trouble storing the table!!!)


i think i know what you mean.

i was thinking of having a C shaped slider that you put over the hinge when the bench seat is straight and having something similar to what you said.

mark, i doo like teh red stitching on those seats. i think if the door cards were black and the seats were black, even with the red stiching and the cupboards - whatever colour they are, would it be too black. then again i just thought that the inside metal of the bus would be white and also i have the headlining to go in.
Just a sneaky little reserrection

while waiting for the ideal bus to turn up i have managed to test my porsche wiring and decided to take the step and try to fire the lump up.

i checked some oil in and some fuel and went through the start up procedure.

then i tried firing. on the second time or asking it fired up, but when i stopped cranking the engine stopped. i have found out that i need to change the relay for the fuel pump to a golk FI fuel pump relay.

going to pop to GSF in the next couple of days to pick one up and will try again on monday - but it did sound pretty good for the couple of seconds it was running for when i cranked it.

cant believe i've had the engine for 14 months

once i have done this test then the engine and wiring of the whole bus is ready for a transplant to another bus when it comes along. i'm hoping to go an see a potential bus next week - if the shipping is on time :)

Has it really been 14 months? :shock:
That means mines been off the road that long aswell!
Hope this shell turns up soon for you mate ;)

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