Re Spiders
While doing a bit on buses I came across two of the damn things . Now if you phone a Zoo or the Vets etc they will tell you its a dangerous animal and You need a licence to Keep it
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I know its dangerous ,Thats why im foneing You :shock:
So if you pop to your local garden centre and get a cockroach Bomb They cost 6 quid ( Its the BEST 6 quid you will Ever spend ) You can then gaffer tape plastic sheeting all around the bus and let the sheeting drop to the floor to make a sealed tent around the bus, Then lift the sheeting and pop a bug bomb under the back usually under the front gearbox mount ,drop the sheeting back to the floor then light the bugbomb and leave it for 24hrs :msn4:
When you come back the next day Any nasties should be on there backs under the van , THIS doesnt mean there dead Its just knocked the stuffing outta them.... A good size 9 usually means there dead
AND Just for the record one of the black widows I found had survived a 3 month ship ride to belgium then a 2 month stay in belgium , then a 1 month stay in the UK before I found it :shock:
If you see any fresh webs strung down to the floor then someones back .... And Black :shock:
Keep Em Peeled