ok, so a small update on the bus. went down on thursday eve to work on bus and again had semi productive time. my dad brought his rivet gun home that threads rivets (basically does a neater job than welding nut on the back of a hole). we were goign to use it for securing the inspection hatch. after about 4 rivets the gun broke so have had to order another bit for the end...i tell you, this inspection hatch is becoming more bother than its worth, lol.
we moved onto fitting the antiroll bar onto the chassis rails, which involved welding a block onto both the chassis rails to secure the urethane blocks.
i had friday off work, and planned to restore fuel tank with a kit from FROST and then get engine in. unfortuneately, becasue of the cold weather the fuel tank took all day. this involved, flushing the tank out with a chain and mixing marine clean with boiling water, then poaring out and rinsing tank with water. then allowing to dry (on a cold day) then pour in the metal ready and flush around for 10-20mins, then poaring out before flushing out with water and drying. i had a bonnie idea of using hair drier to dry the inside of the tank thoroughly

not mine, my mums...shhhhhh
i then refitted the tank into the engine bay, and connected the outlet to the fuel pump as seen below. also a rubbish pic showing the antiroll bar fitted and the fuel pump etc.
i fitted the new filler neck onto the tank. as for the breather...my FI tank doesnt have the central breather that goes up to the filler neck. i am unsure what to do with this now as i have a breather coming from the rigid filler neck into open air. looking at the position, i'm not too sure whether fuel may come down this when i refuel. on the other hand, i dont want to block it off because if fuel does go down it, it will simply sit there???? any ideas guys?
also, i'm unsure whether the run with the firewall. i am unsure whether the engine will fit with the fire wall. i dont want to fit it, then find out the engine wont go in, cos i'll then have to drop the engine to remove the firewall. conversely, i'm not sure how comfortable i am with running without a firewall. i know the earlier buses didnt have a firewall, but there must be a reason why the started installing one :? again advice please
p.s. down there tonight, and hoping to get the engine in!!