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Loves it :mrgreen: Was half expecting a Stella beer mat collection to materialise on your ceiling,,,,,,,,, hhhhmmmm now that`s food for thought :roll: or maybe just lots of old Stella labels, we could have a winner here :D But the light is in itself ingenious, but convert to leds ?????? Better light and better battery consumption, what about a sunken light ??? Or was that the idea :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,, Catch you later on in the week mate :mrgreen:
ozziedog said:
Loves it :mrgreen: Was half expecting a Stella beer mat collection to materialise on your ceiling,,,,,,,,,
Crap! That's a quality idea. Wish I had taken all those beer mats off you at Bristol Volksfest now Oz :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
ozziedog said:
Loves it :mrgreen: Was half expecting a Stella beer mat collection to materialise on your ceiling,,,,,
Ha-ha - thought you would be - but at least I'm making it out of bits and bobs of rubbish. :) I really hope when I'm done the interior will look as if it's been there for decades.
I had some more thoughts about the head liner today. Circumstances forced my hand with the spine and the cupboard, but having set off down the road of bespoke roofage I thought it would be rude not to carry on and be different for the sake of it. And pick something slightly more difficult in the hope of doing something first - though I doubt I am. :lol: Got to try though.

So - I'm kind of heading for a 30's - 50's cabin cruiser inspired interior. No not portholes! Just gentle leanings and nods maybe - in my mind anyway. So to the roof. It reminds me of an upturned dinghy, though inside out, and I thought it would look better if the rearmost edge was flat rather than following the roof shape. So with the help of some steel shelving legs and the last bits of cupboard I got a straight edge for the rear, made the strange shaped panels and here you go.

And from the front with the joining strips as well.

Though I did it like this purely for the look it's also going to make filling in the hinge bit easier I think and as luck would have it the slope of the roof will hit the rear of the van just about right.
Once I'd had the idea, I had to follow through to see what it looked like. :roll: It looks a bit flat in the photos but quite wierd in reality as the rear dips right down. This one shows it better.

I'm kinda pleased it all went wrong now. :lol:
More next weekend when the rock and roll bed gets a Zed-over.
the roof in mine is hardboard covered in wallpaper of a vinal sort ,or just very thick.painted white and then has sun ,moon,fish ect stenciled on :shock: :shock: so was going to try hard board for front ,well its worth a try!!!!!!
nice job with yours ,just needs some art deco touches now,column edges to cupboards ect.
67panel said:
the roof in mine is hardboard covered in wallpaper of a vinal sort ,or just very thick.painted white and then has sun ,moon,fish ect stenciled on :shock: :shock: so was going to try hard board for front ,well its worth a try!!!!!!
nice job with yours ,just needs some art deco touches now,column edges to cupboards ect.

And chrome art deco uplighters with green glass. 8)

The roof in mine was tobacco stained tatters. If I hadn't broken a sheet the whole thing including the screws and screw cups was about £32 and I reckon I was ripped for the wood. That adds to the happiness.
I love it, looks great. I'll be honest when you said you posted you were going to break out some old furniture to finish up the edges/joins I thought you'd taken things a bit too far but the final finish is excellent.

I'm waiting for you to squeeze in a full size slate 'zedbed' snooker table, bar and juke box. Can't wait to see what you do with the rock n roll. :mrgreen:

Thanks Des - How's your bus coming along?

The cupboard wood looks scruffy at the moment as it has a thin painted oak effect that's been scratched and scraped revealing the lighter wood underneath. I was too impatient to tidy it up before I fitted it. :roll: On the list... :lol:
And here we go again. It hasn't really got cold yet so I've been taking advantage and putting in the hours in the evenings working until 9 or 10 every night. I'm not going to want to do ths when it gets proper cold - no use kidding myself, so I'm getting on with it.

Following the boat theme I don't want to be lop-sided, so although I've got myself a 3/4 bed it's going in the middle. A case of fashion over practicality - a bit of an ongoing theme!

This gives the opportunity to have great big arms like a sofa. The arms will get filled with drawers and continue to the back providing lockers either side of the foot end of the bed with top access. On the top of the drawers (head end) will be another top access lid with a shelf under for night time things. The lids will be curved. The inspiration for this is are gunnels of my sailing dinghy - a "Solo" though it won't look anything like one. :)

The Solo is a really beautiful single handed dinghy. It has a fully battened sail and is a single hander. I race mine at the local sailing clubs on Sundays when I get the chance.

This is as far as I've got. Like everything, to do it accurately takes a while. Every edge has been cut square with a router run along a straight edge from an old drawing board. 3mm ply templates for the curves. Your router is your friend. :) The inside curve of the arm fronts is the curve of the van mirrored. I did want more of a slope for lounging, but It would have make the top access too narrow and using the van shape made sense. I have another idea for the arms but I'll see if it works first.

Everything is just balanced together - not one thing in the pic is fixed yet.
First the easy bit - square piece of ply and some more edge trim. That's as far as I'll go unless I can think of something for the hinges.

Then the curved lids. Who's idea was that? :roll: Plywood doesn't like to bend does it? I've been experimenting in the laboratory over the past week or so trying to find a way to make a tight curve without cracking the wood. I have a quick go if an idea pops into my head. The thing that worked in the end was to plane one outer ply off, then bend it across the grain and steam it. This resulted in it relaxing to about 2/3 as curved as I wanted when it dried, then I just forced it the rest of the way.

I didn't get time to finish it but here's the first half made lid.

Your headliner came out really nice. I like it!!

I finally sourced me a sheet of 5 x 5 x 1/8 birch so I am set to get mine done now. :D I do love how yours came out. I'm just not that talented with wood! So I am sticking to the basic trace and cut and put in! LOL
justcruzin said:
Your headliner came out really nice. I like it!!

I finally sourced me a sheet of 5 x 5 x 1/8 birch so I am set to get mine done now. :D I do love how yours came out. I'm just not that talented with wood! So I am sticking to the basic trace and cut and put in! LOL
Cheers cat. I'm not talented or experienced, just determined! I read a thread on here that taught me how to use my router properly and that was that. I'm just making it up as I go along. Not everything works out - I was going to have a rising shelf unit up from one arm powered by an electric window mechanism, but it was just too brutal so I took it all out again. I don't put everything on here. :lol:
[/quote] I was going to have a rising shelf unit up from one arm powered by an electric window mechanism, but it was just too brutal [/quote]

I'd like to see that Z! and you are very humble cos I certainly see a talented guy at work here ;)
I didn't take any pictures - it would have taken you fingers off if you had them in the wrong place. :lol:

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