Well managed to spend time in garage today. Finished the flaps to see if they will work.
Although it does not look like it, drip test on all 8 valves with petrol to check for leaks. I am pretty chuffed
to say the least , first time doing this and on 2 leaks. Removed and redid them for it to pass.
Finished painting the tin ware for over the gearbox. Turned out well and saved myself about £80 odd.
Did not realise they came in different sizes, must have wasted about half an hour of my time :lol: :lol:
So to the final job of the day before having to go cook the dinner. Put the head back on and started to tighten
it down , refused to budge about 5mm off the bottom and snapped a cylinder head stud.
F..........................k was all I could utter , dropped parts all over and put my cut finger in a caustic soda solution,
F...........................K was what I shouted as I sprinted for the tap to wash it off. :shock: :shock: .
Do not try this at home. Shut up shop and headed for the kitchen to do the tea.
Hope you lot have a good week.
J & P