Danni California's America Diner interior resto

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Hi to all you Early Bay Lovers, I'm new to this forum lark as i am a shy quiet sort of a guy. But decided to communicate to all you wonderful guys and girls out there.

I've just booked my 1970 California westy to have a interor make over at a place called Rock Salmon Vans in Dawlsh Devon.
They normally do T4's and T5's but I felt this was an omen since I was in a band called Rock Salmon and also live in Devon and I saw a write up on a van in Campervan Mag .
I've had the Body stripped back to bare metal and Sprayed by Carl at Beetlebank who some of you already know and seen some of the excellent work he's done on Steve's Bay
The theme I'm going for is American Diner and showed some plans to Chris at Rock Salmon vans and he was very interested and said he would like to do something a little different for the bog stanard layout they get alot of the time.
He has got Dani until 27th July before we take her to France and then he will fit the rest of the work afterwards when he can fit us in. The first visit he is sorting out the Rock and Roll Bed and the side unit carcass. He is also getting a electrician he uses to fit a skytag system as well as front and rear fog lights and a reversing light. I will post some photos of Dani shortly.
I hope you like my blog


This is how she looked when I bought her from VWFBI

Then she went to Transporterhaus to have drop spindles, disc brakes and alloy wheels.
After that Danni went to Carl for a respray and to convert the walk through to a bench seat in the front.




I had the seats and door panels and dash done by Awesome


I started making my units but with 12hrs shifts for my new job it was beginning to take it toll.


This is what she looks like on the outside


So she is now at Rock Salmon Vans for the next stage.

Hope there's enough photos lol!
:party0007: Thanks for your positive comments.

I've forgot to mention , I also fitted a solar panel on where the luggage rack is. I know we don't get much sun over here but every bit helps to recharge the lesure battery plus I plan to go overseas in her quite a lot.
Chris emailed me last night to say Steve has taken many templates back and forth the camper to get the rock and roll bed the way I want it.
Steve is from beds4van another guy Chris works beside to create his interiors. All these people work on the same industrial estate. There are more company's which I'll mention at a later date.
The way I want my bed to work is that when I pull my back seat forward it will meet the seat behind the bulkhead. In my old camper we headed up to Cumbria on a Friday night and planned to stop of in a layby in Wales. The problem was that, after a long drive we had to take all the camping stuff in the back and put it in the cab to go to sleep. Only to realize it was a dogging Lay by. There was these guy standing outside the camper the whole time. Of course we had the light on inside to see what we were doing, he thought it was for something else.
My wife was getting a bit unsettled so we decided to make a move only for the gear lever to come out in my hand so we couldn't move and being dark i couldn't see what I as doing so decided to stay. My Wife didn't sleep a wink, I slept like a log.

Well back to the interior, Chris said he'll send me some pics in a few days time.

I know you like your pics

Mr Brightside said:
Danni Cal said:
Hope there's enough photos lol!

There are NEVER enough photos !!

Its the EB forum law

More on the way

I've just done a quick sketch of the design I gave Chris, with the additional metal roller shutter which Chris suggested. I even bought some felt pens from Tesco to colour it in to give you an idea of the colours that I wanted. This is what Chris is planning to do this time round. Around the bulkhead of the camper is after I've gone to France.


Sorry about the age 7 drawing, Just gives you an idea.
Went down to see Chris today. He said he didn't want to rush the work on my Dani and is going to leave the units as they are since I'm going to France in her at the end of the month. He's had a few ideas what he can do. Steve at Beds4Vans. recons my bed Idea will work. Will work on it when it comes back next. I seen one of he's beds in a van this morning, works a lot better than the normal rock and roll bed. They are going to look at the one in Dani at the moment so it is usable when I go to France as it is very hard to get into a bed.
Whats been done, The fog lights front and rear and the reversing light have been fitted. The SkyTag should be coming on Monday to be fitted. Looks like it will be around about August when he can fit me in for the full conversion.
Will give you pics of the lights when I get her back.
Got Dani back yesterday with Sky Tag, Front and rear fog lights and reversing lights fitted. Chris has also sorted out my rock and roll bed so I can use it until I get the new one built. It moves a lot freer now so will be using it at Changstock next weekend.

Here are some pics of the work just done


these lights also has angel eyes around the fogs which has been wired into the side lights.



I can't show you any pics of my Sky Tag, but here's a pic of my other security device,

Can you just see him peeking out of the back window. Ok, not a good picture. Here's another one of him,


Here he is chasing the last person who tried to break in :lol:
He goes by the name of Manson. He's also got a partner in crime called Marilyn


here are Marilyn and Manson together

We wanted a scary name so we called him Mason after Charles Manson and she came along later so we decided to call her Marilyn.

Now the funny thing is, Charles Manson used to own a VW Camper, don't know which type though, but one of the Manson family was called Linda Kasabian, Who the Rock band named themselves after. Now Kasabian has written a song called the Doberman. How spooky is that and I didn't know this until i was reading about him. Now what if my Camper was the very same Camper Charles Manson owned. That would be freakish :shock:

Sorry, gone of the plot, So here is a few more pics of Dani,

I know you like pic's






I hope you like 8)
Love it! Those spots are ace. 8)
Loving the dogging and Manson story too! :lol:
I grew up with Dobermans. They are brilliant dogs. Soft as sh!te, very obedient and loyal and have very human like characters. unfortunately I married someone who doesn't get dogs. Might have to trade her in after seeing that photo of Manson on the beach. :shock: :D
Heebee_GB said:
Love it! Those spots are ace. 8)
Loving the dogging and Manson story too! :lol:
I grew up with Dobermans. They are brilliant dogs. Soft as sh!te, very obedient and loyal and have very human like characters. unfortunately I married someone who doesn't get dogs. Might have to trade her in after seeing that photo of Manson on the beach. :shock: :D

Oh! you let the cat out of the bag, He's meant to be scary, I'm going to have to get some more security now :lol:
I have a propex heater with the electric heater as well. I was going to use T2 customs kit to have it going to windscreen as well as the heat exchanger with the use of a timer so that in the winter I can defrost the windscreen and have the van warm before I go to work in the morning. But I see they have taken it of the market for improvements. I tried to contact them by email to see when it was ready but have not had a reply. Can anybody shed some light :?:

another question, I'm going to France soon and I'll have to change the beam of the lights. Which is the best way to do this?



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