I't's a major upheaval of your whole life but the old cliche 'time is a great healer' is true.
I had years of crap and when the separation finally came it turned out to be the best thing for all concerned.
You may not think so now but keep y'self busy , give your all to the little one and you'll all adapt to the changes and all will be OK .
You'll feel better as the weeks pass, good lluck
Great! Your back just in time for my whitewall needs! :twisted:
Only kidding!
Sounds like its been a tough 12months fella! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! and I'm sure your father wouldn't want you dwelling on the past, but looking forward now to the future!
Hopefully seeing the light at the end of a very dark tunnel finally.
Welcome back, and I will be in touch in the coming weeks! .....Come see ya!
Own a Bay?......Feel the love!
Welcome back Ant, Sorry to hear of your ****** year but trust me it will get better , I checked out your web site a few weeks ago and that Morgan looked really cool.
Soon be time to roll out Frank for Dadddy n Daughter camping trips .
Hey Ant, I`ll just echo what everyone else is saying above, especially about the keeping busy thing. Everything changes with life, and sometimes it`s so fast it`s a struggle to believe it is your own life and not someone elses or even a movie script, let`s hope the sorting out bit is almost as fast or even faster.
crikey. sounds like you've had the **** end of the stick.
Beef's advice is pretty sound. i went through something similar a few years back. stay true to yourself and you cant go far wrong.
keep your chin up, make things as pleasant as you can for your daughters sake and life will happen around you.
i don't know who you are but you sound like one of the good 'uns.
Hi Ant. A forum newbie here wishing you a speedy return to an even better life. What helped me through very similar situations as you, was to follow my passions and live in the moment! Some great advice and lots of love from others here. Consider yourself fortunate to be so well liked, missed and welcomed back ... you must be a good man.
Thanks for all the replies its been a rough few months..... Before all this, because of all the family bereavements I thought mentally I was stronger than the average guy. As it turns out emotionally I had all my eggs in one basket which was Em and my marriage, I still struggle everyday but these posts from you kind EBer's have cheered me up tonight. Thanks to you all
Hi Fella
Wow, I was only thinking the other day we hadn't heard from you in a while.
I hope we can help you through the crap and find things to look forward to.
If you need anything just ask.
At the risk of offering you just another cliché: it's all uphill from here!
(clichés are clichés for a reason :lol: )
I think it's great that you're being so open about your pains. Keep it up. Talking/typing/venting always helps me and bottling up will do the opposite.