right .. a bit more!
.. :shock:
Ok .. so the rear corner is nearing completion .. battery tray done, previously fitted corner seems good with no rot, but i removed the skim of filler to inspect the work .. all looked good so cut off the lower rear of the wheel arch .. not rotten, just not to my liking!
cleaned up a bit and bought a repair panel for there .. in hind sight i should have just made it as it was crap and took a lot of work to make it fit ..
anyway .. finally fitted and made a panel for just above .. again not rotten, just welded in crap originally, losing the seam lines .. off it came!
A small skim of filler and lots of rubbing down .. Looks ok .. and has a seam where it should..
I've mentioned these holes before, above my rear lights .. no other evidence of reversing lights on the bus .. maybe it had reflectors? .. not seen these type holes before ( only ones with the cut out for the reversing lights)
.. anyway .. Im welding them up!
Decided to bare metal the engine lid ... Christ! that took some doing .. glad im not doing the full bus .. The light blue top coat seemed completely resistant to nitromores!
anyway its all off now..
welded up the 10! holes where an array of number plates have been fitted!
The engine lid is not original to the bus as it is neptune blue underneath .. However, the small amount of filler you can see on the bulge and bottom corner is filling 2 small dents .. but the filler is really difficult to sand, and was UNDERNEATH the neptune blue .. so unless is was completely stripped and repainted neptune blue along time ago ..its factory filler!
Just 2 small holes in the lower left corner but only tiny .. will weld up
... and move a bit further around the bus ..