Hillys 70 Devon .. the resto starts .. soon

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... absolutely bugger all Andy!

.. moved to the new big garage and done nowt .. everything kinda got thrown into the garage and it needs a couple of days sorting before i can do any bus stuff ..

.. and I really can't get over that hurdle ..

.. and the band i'm in has taken off a bit with lots of gigs .. and seems if i'm not gigging, im practicing ....... or decorating .. that leaves sleep and work and pretty much nowt else!

I'll get back to it soon .. thought i'd ride the summer out and dig in over winter ..

got some time off this week .. may try for a few hours .. ;)


Hey Hilly :)

Know how you feel, but get stuck in there, a few hours here, and a few hours there and it'll be moving along in no time! ;)

keep at it

Cheers, Nick
Cheers Nick ..

I've actually had 2 hours on it today which I enjoyed .. did a bit of work ..

... then found some more to do .. does it really end?! :)

Benyon said:
Not if you really want a Beetle as well ;)


Mollie - Current Progress

Roxy - Current Progress

Should have stuck to one at a time ;)
thought id best have a look at your project since im 5 minutes away every day at work.

2 at a time? your just rubbing it in that you have a garage now lol. looks like plenty of good work gone in already.

as i said, give me a shout if you need a hand with anything there (except sanding :lol:)
Cheers Anthony .. sure I'll see you soon for a cuppa and conference!

Right ..

Im just getting back into this after moving house and alll the things that come with it!

.. problem is .. I haven't found the camera i neatly packed when i moved! .. so no pics im afraid ..

I'll get some done pics of the works completed up when i can ..

But for now your just gonna have to take my word for it!

Found some more grot AGAIN! that i didn't know was there on the rear of the chassis .. but rather now than later eh!

..anyway, most of the body done now .. The bits on the chassis to do .. then a good dose of prep till the weather gets warmer and i can afford some paint!



.. done some work on bus but lost camera in the move for a while .. but i have some pics of work that has been done(ish!)

ok .. rear arch had some rust in it, but not enough to warrant to complete arch .. much rather save original and put some patches in it .. new lower rear corner fitted .. both skimmed and primered ..





still all need final prep ..

Had a small section in usual place above gutter but wasn't too bad .. cut out about 150mm section, replace and skim ..


a bit of work to do (now done!) in the rear floor, but not to bad for a UK bus i guess ..


really didn't wanna remove the belly pans as they are quite securely welded onto the inner sills and didn't want all the hassle, but had to cut some off the rear to change an outrigger thats a bit poor, so stuck camera in ..


some evidence that they have been off for previous repairs but ok for now i think .. sometime after i've used the bus for a few years i wanna redo the sills cos the previous repairs are solid but not as i'd like them... so pans will come off then..

Chassis repairs where i removed a rotten outrigger .. repairs to chassis ..



outrigger fitted too but no pics at minute ..

The bump stop bracket on the chassis had rotten on the top .. could have repaired it in situ and small hole in chassis, but it would have only have needed doing again at some point .. so cut the bugger off and made new ones .. disc under bump stop was rotten too as was the tube that holds it .. so i made these ..



the disc cup thingy part is the end off of a disposable gas bottle .. exactly the right size and shape .. I made the bump stop post screw on to ease replacement ..

then welded to the chassis ..



Looks a bit overkill now its done!

Thats it for now .. guys

as usual let us know what yer think..

Hilly (remotivated!) ;)
looking good. gotta love the improvised repairs, theyre the best kind.
im heading over to see my van tomorow i think, hopefully give the man a kick to get it in paint since the roof turned up the other day.
Great work and love the fabrication you have done for the bumpstop 8)
Ha! ...

itsd funny you should say that andy! ..

cos i have been working on it lately, just not put any pics up .. not done loads, but have done some ..

... but i do have a beetle to look after too ya know now! ;)

will try and stick an update up at weekend!

Me?? Say something??

I've seen your pictures of your bug when you purchased it, have you done much with it? Did it need much?

My bug got stolen and fortunately recovered 4 weeks ago, but I still don't have it back as my insurance company aren't being the speediest! Only needs new quarter light and steering wheel so wouldn't have gone through insurance but the police impounded it and I had to pay £150 to release it!!
Ok .. so i haven't updated for ages .. but i have been doing some!

Bodywork .. done ( I think! )

Now looks like this



.. and couldn't resist a few 'inclusive' shots of the family vw clan!





Fixed a few electrical gremlins on the beetle due to 'a small fire!' ;)

Feel loads better about the bus now its got this far .. ordered all seals from Status at volkworld show ..

Think ive decided on the colour scheme too!

Yayyy!!!! 8) 8) 8)
Serious progress, well done mate!

Going to share what your colour choice is or is it a surprise?
Cheers dude! ..

.. Shit that paint took some shifting! :eek:

Yeah the colour ... Decided to go with its original colour which is Lotus white ... But .. ;)

.. Wanna get some retro style graphics in multishade blue for down the sides .. similar in style to the yank conversion who's name escapes me at the moment!

similar to this ..


but thats obviously just a quick mock up of an idea and will prob be completely different and definitely more refined!

Ok guys .. open season on my idea! :lol:

.... Landmark camper .. thats what i was trying to think of!


... Ok then! .. is it just me on that one!


I like it, was looking for something simular for mine a while back...........go for it I say, be a trend setter

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