in 20 years time we are going to be the old gits

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2006
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we are going to be the old gits saying

"i remember one year it snowed 2 weeks before christmas and it dident stop until the end of january,we ran out of salt you know and carot prices went thru the roof". :mrgreen:

we have had about 3-4" hear but by then it will be

"we had 2 foot of snow and couldent get out the door,no one was going to work,but thats when we had proper winters son"


sorry for those of you that are allready the old gits :lol:
Im already an old git :lol:
I remember the storm of 87, the drought of 76 and I was born during the killer fog of 62 :cry:

The only way i'll be getting in an earlybay in twenty years will be up a ramp through the slider :msn4:
I remember the drought of '76 and the storm of '87 too, although I don't go back quite as far as '62.
Funny thing is my dad's bay, in that '87 storm, escaped with not one mark on it... yet there were smahed roof tiles and debris all round it! :? :lol:
We're already old gits!! I can remember having to walk to school in the snow, none of this, oh, it's snowing, better close the school part way through the day!! F*ck I feel old!! and I'm only 45!
^^^^whs^^^^ :(bottled milk on coke stove in class room to thaw out,still dont like milk :shock: summers longer,skys bluer,and air cooled was new.wish i had bought that mint notch mid 70s but it was 200quid(old fart bit)lot of dosh then :lol:
wibbler said:
The only way i'll be getting in an earlybay in twenty years will be up a ramp through the slider :msn4:

:lol: nice to see your optimistic :lol:
The only reason had mine lowered was cos i cant lift myself up anymore,i have to fall into it nowadays im that old !! :lol: :lol:
I was born an old git, cantacerous and grumpy, when I wer a lad it snowed 4 months at a time, it snowed so hard it made yer head bleed......
i was born in 61, there was no snow days when i was a kid, and when the oil deliveries couldnt get through we had to wear coats in the class room to keep warm as there was no heating, good days,ice slides in the playground, snowball fights and not a sign a health and safety policy! no bloody wii, ps3,xbox360 etc either ,it was outside allday long,
i am officially an old git, as the other half will testify, even have the grumpy old man mug!
Araon said:
I was born an old git, cantacerous and grumpy, when I wer a lad it snowed 4 months at a time, it snowed so hard it made yer head bleed......

ouch, big snow :lol:
I remember struggling to secondary school in 63 when the snow lasted for weeks even in the sth east.

I know Im a grumpy old git ,because I agree with the Grumpy old Men on TV.

Both my sons refer to me as Homer :lol:
talking of salt, we are actually sitting on the largest salt mine in europe here and theres not enough salt for the roads.... work that one out? :|

i hate salt anyways dirty messy stuff and dont mention the rust.
I absolutely love being an old git
my favourite character's on the telly were
the old gits played by whitehouse & enfield
i'm so old i can remember buying a gallon
of petrol for 70p
i'm so old i had free milk at school sonny...
andymac said:
i'm so old i had free milk at school sonny...

i remember getting the free milk too, someone pushed me onto the crate one day and i spilt my loaf open almost took and eye too.
im not a old git, mearly like two 18 year olds :lol:
year of the greenfly sticks in my mind, and the year we were plagued with ladybirds.
ice on the inside of bedroom windows, no central heating, just a coal fire in the lounge and having to get dressed under the blankets.(before quilts were out) im still a stickler for turning my heating down at night, and sending the kids to bed with hot water bottles :mrgreen:

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