It started with a cyst

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2010
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While taking of my front bumper to put on my trick spotlight mount from Doris I found what looked like a small cyst/blister on the front chassis leg I then couldn't help myself I gave it the finger test which then turned into a four finger test and yes you guessed it it's now bloody great big hole :( here's a couple of pics



After more digging and grinding we found the po had done a botched repair only half welding a flimsy piece of tin over the rust
She's now in the capable hands of my mate lee
I'll post finished job over the weekend
Maan... I love California busses. I guess the upside is that if you were in Alaska that would be "Just a little rust" Good luck
It is disheatening but don't worry a fairly easy fix :)
My PO repairs were 5 plates deep :-( have a good prod round the steering box/peel cluster mount its better to find the bad bits sooner than later :) that's this winter/springs mission for me :)
I look forward to seeing lots of progress pics :-D
Love the title #it started with a cyst# he he. Oh dear, at least you found it now rather when it was even bigger. Its ALWAYS worse than it looks when it comes to rust bubbles :-(

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Haha thanks dudes I'm dreading poking any more just in case I get too deep and before you know it full restoration and years lying on its side(89rallye)

As I said in the post my mate patched it up as best he can I've had a look and it's not bad but I think it needs some more weld on it
What do you think



It's very solid though

Any advice

Cheers mark
Grind back what he's done so it looks neat, then make an assessment of if it needs more.

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Ok I'll have a bash over the weekend then grind it down :lol:
My mate did say the repair section doesn't fit and needs loads of fabrication

I'm just nog happy grinding and banging too much just in case the Swiss cheese effect spreads
Cheers dude an rear is front doesn't need it really :)...
An if you get the repair section it totally replaces that section that's rotted so you just weld it at the front and rear far easier that patching :)
No 34/34.1 is what ya after i think just depends which side" onclick=";return false;


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