More space in mags for proper buses?

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retro.james said:
Doubt I'll be renewing my C&B subscribtion this time, might go for the Airmighty mag instead.


I buy C&B monthly, this month aside due to yet another chavved up plumbers van feature and funnily enough, I was talking to the wife about Christmas and suggested a subscription to C&B would be a nice gift, however like you, I might go for the Airmighty mag instead.

If we vote with our feet then the mags will have to listen.. if we keep buying them and having a moan then its pointless, they've got your money, and you/we've got a mag that we're not happy with.. nothing will change...
Sorry but im about to give a different view point, i, like most have had the odd flick though a mag or two and have been a bit pissed at the obvious mags you find on the shelves due to their content. However it would be a naive to think that only those fortunate enough to own buses read these mags and therefore they have to cater for the masses.
The percentage of dudes and dudettes that dont own buses but read these mags probably far out ways us lot , why do you think they sell magazines like top marques in post offices , its for the one day ill have one of those, or similar views or just people who like that kinda stuff to look at and admire.
As the scene has exploded in recent times then there are more and more people who are less informed getting into it and this maybe there first step into wot they see as a lifestyle, but they dont want the risk and so they opt for a safe t4/5 and as this starts to become the norm ie more and more then suddenly they are in coz they got a badge on the front.

sorry to rain on peeps parades but there are as mentioned aircooled only mags out there just not in tesco and the mags that are in tesco are called camper etc and a t4/5 is that is it not or are we saying that a doka splitty or a 68 panel isnt allowed in as it aint.

So to sum up popular mags are for everyone and specialist mags are for specialist interest, i mean you cant buy certain mags in asda but the shop round the corner with the blacked windows sells all that the heart desires for "the specialist"


bored rant at work sorry if total bollocks please delete.

It's a fair alternative view John... No probs with that....

I wouldn't want to be in the mags editors shoes... Trying to please the masses and maximise circulation whilst annoying few uber enthusiasts....

Your probably right, those of us that are air-cooled only inclined are perhaps a small minority...

I shall quietly buy Airmighty or airmonkeys and let sleeping dogs lie!!
So, not only is there a 5 page feature on a T4 in C&B.. but it turns out (surprise surprise) that said T4 has been put up for sale the moment the mag hits the shelves :roll:" onclick=";return false;

What was that you said James....

retro.james said:
I also feel a little peeved when an owner wants to use their feature as a for sale ad - hence we haven't allowed them to do so for ages - nor will they be allowed to do so in the future - if they want to sell their Bus then it can go in the classified section at the back - not in the feature.
Shorty said:
So, not only is there a 5 page feature on a T4 in C&B.. but it turns out (surprise surprise) that said T4 has been put up for sale the moment the mag hits the shelves :roll:" onclick=";return false;

What was that you said James....

retro.james said:
I also feel a little peeved when an owner wants to use their feature as a for sale ad - hence we haven't allowed them to do so for ages - nor will they be allowed to do so in the future - if they want to sell their Bus then it can go in the classified section at the back - not in the feature.

Like ive said for a while now, if it aint a 5 page for sale ad that you have to read, its a 5 page spread about some VW restoration company that have built a van to promote their company (do they pay for the 5 page advert) It then appears in the classifieds in the next issue for 29K :shock:
I like to read about the history of a bus (T4/5s dont have any) or the owners experiances (restoration companys tend not to use the bus/van for anything other than promotion)

I know every owner cant totally restore their own bus (i sent mine away for paint), but lets be honest, a little owner imput is alot more interesting than finding out about 5 guys who do it for a living turning out another "Magazine" feature.
Jeez, if you don't like the magazine, don't buy it, simple. :lol:
I know every owner cant totally restore their own bus (i sent mine away for paint), but lets be honest, a little owner imput is alot more interesting than finding out about 5 guys who do it for a living turning out another "Magazine" feature.

True, but some of us have sadly neither the skills, space nor the time to do things ourselves so we have to get someone to do it for us. It doesn't mean we love our busses any less - just that we're ham-fisted ejits who'd ruin it if we tried! :oops: I think a nice bus is a nice bus, whether done by someone in their own garage or by professionals under the instruction of a private individual. I completely agree about the mag feature - sale issue though.
Slammed said:
Jeez, if you don't like the magazine, don't buy it, simple. :lol:


I take your point, however...

...the thing is, some of us clearly do find some of the mag content interesting - we do want to buy it. I do anyway.

The thread is about how the launch of dedicated T4/5 mags might translates in to less T4/5 content in the existing mags and therefore more T2 content. Both David and James have shared their thoughts on this, so we are being listened to. And that seems helpful IMHO.

If I want to stop buying I will, and I won't start a thread about it. :D
Delilahtoo said:
Slammed said:
Jeez, if you don't like the magazine, don't buy it, simple. :lol:


I take your point, however...

...the thing is, some of us clearly do find some of the mag content interesting - we do want to buy it. I do anyway.

I agree with this statement, it's not that I don't like the mag, I have been a regular purchaser of it (and largely only C&B) for a while now and find most of the content very good.... back to the topic of the thread, I am hoping the pages occupied by T4/T5's are now vacated as they have their own mag and I can enjoy all the articles....

(re: my earlier comment. To be fair to James, I doubt he knew about the T4 feature being put up for sale the minute the mag hit the shelves, and I would have thought, going by his previous post, this may have annoyed him as much as others...)
As previousley said on the thread I was one of the people who didn't own a bus when I bought C&B at an airport as I had nothing to read on the flight. It was that and the articles in it that started me off thinking that this would be a brilliant thing to do, and instead of pissing my money up the wall on motorbikes, I could do it with 40 year old vans!

Over the next year, both mags educated me on what type of van I wanted, and what type would suit me best. Without the mags I would never have known about the different scenes, the differences between lates and earlys, Westys and Devons. Then I discovered you lot on here and I knew what I wanted..... 8)

To sum up, without the mags I wouldn't be pumping my hard owned into the scene.The danger is they become too specialised and the readership dwindles and then the mags close, and we lose a valuable entry point into our scene.

If the price is a couple of features on builders vans then so be it, I'll skip over them. The fact that James and David come on the forums and seem to care about what we think is also a plus in my book.

Anyway, Off to find that shop with the blacked out windows to see if they've got anything for my 2cv fetish........ :D
I don't buy any mags. Why would I? I've got a real bus to look at, use and tinker with. Not to mention a whole load of other peoples. For me there's nothing new I can find out from a mag about a 40 year old vehicle of which millions were made.
These VW mags are (as said above and also IMO) mainly for non-bus owners - like splitty t-shirts, money boxes etc etc. Which is why they cater for all tastes VW and roughly van shaped.

Also I agree - if you don't like them, don't buy them.

P.S. if there was a mag dedicated to non-standard a/c bus interiors and mechanics I'd buy that as personally I'm as fed up with features on museum style imported Westy crumpet toaster polishing as the T4/5 stuff.

simo said:
^^^^ same here - sorry but just no interest in them myself

I'm sure the T4-5 people have no interest in our buses either so it's a win win for all.

I just hope VoWo stop wrapping their mag in a plastic bag because it contains a "special pamphlet". I have to rip it open to ale a look in the super market. It slows my shopping trip down by 8.65 seconds.

Sent from my iLife4 suite of applications.
Birdy late bay said:
I just hope VoWo stop wrapping their mag in a plastic bag because it contains a "special pamphlet". I have to rip it open to ale a look in the super market. It slows my shopping trip down by 8.65 seconds.

^^ You're the one ripping the bags open! ^^

It's a marketing thing although I agree - nothing worse than being denied a quick flick in the shops.
retro.james said:
although I agree - nothing worse than being denied a quick flick in the shops.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Shorty said:
So, not only is there a 5 page feature on a T4 in C&B.. but it turns out (surprise surprise) that said T4 has been put up for sale the moment the mag hits the shelves :roll:" onclick=";return false;

What was that you said James....

retro.james said:
I also feel a little peeved when an owner wants to use their feature as a for sale ad - hence we haven't allowed them to do so for ages - nor will they be allowed to do so in the future - if they want to sell their Bus then it can go in the classified section at the back - not in the feature.

^^ Yep ^^

But what can you do?

Most of the feature vehicles are shot months in advance of a feature appearing - we shoot as many as we can in the good weather to tide us over through the winter months so it stands to reason that some of them will be come up for sale - although some owners do seem to chance their arm after a feature has come out...

It's a free country and they can do what they like but I won't allow anyone to mention this in their feature.

I know of at least one of our up-coming feature Buses that was up for sale at Busfest due to unforseen circumstances and they're genuinely gutted to have to sell it.

If you knew the owners then I doubt any of you would slate them for selling it -it'll probably go around the same time as the feature comes out too!
Chris73 said:
As previousley said on the thread I was one of the people who didn't own a bus when I bought C&B at an airport as I had nothing to read on the flight. It was that and the articles in it that started me off thinking that this would be a brilliant thing to do, and instead of pissing my money up the wall on motorbikes, I could do it with 40 year old vans!

Over the next year, both mags educated me on what type of van I wanted, and what type would suit me best. Without the mags I would never have known about the different scenes, the differences between lates and earlys, Westys and Devons. Then I discovered you lot on here and I knew what I wanted..... 8)

To sum up, without the mags I wouldn't be pumping my hard owned into the scene.The danger is they become too specialised and the readership dwindles and then the mags close, and we lose a valuable entry point into our scene.

If the price is a couple of features on builders vans then so be it, I'll skip over them. The fact that James and David come on the forums and seem to care about what we think is also a plus in my book.

Anyway, Off to find that shop with the blacked out windows to see if they've got anything for my 2cv fetish........ :D

^^ This is exactly what C&B is about. ^^

It was launched to cover vehicles that the air-cooled only VolksWorld didn't.

The remit right from the start was to feature stock vehicles and water-cooled late models and to appeal to new and future owners.

Now, I am undeniably biased towards the air-cooled scene so when I first began commisioning features all those years ago it's hardly suprising that I started featuring more and more Bays (in fact, I took and continue to take air-cooled Buses that tradtionally, would be more inkeeping with VolksWorld than C&B).

It's an arguement I've had with Ivan on more occasions than I can remember!

It helped turn C&B into the mag it is today but probably kept the water-cooled content out of C&B for longer than I perhaps should have.

The thing is - it's a winning formula.

It might not be entirely to your tastes but C&B currently outsells every other VW mag available by a considerable margin - that's why we state that on the cover - so my publisher isn't about to let me tinker with that formula and remove the water-cooled content - that would be financial suicide.

UNLESS we notice a definite shift - i.e. those interested in T4s and T5s switch over to VWt and stop buying C&B.

We've discussed this and the door is open to the possibility of C&B becoming more air-cooled specific - although what about Type 25s?

The issue we're working on right now has 6 features - 1 is a T5 (actually it's a double feature so there are 2 of them!) and there are 2 Splits and 2 Bay features.

Now me personally, I've read VolksWorld for 20+ years and I have never ever read one of the features on drag cars - I have zero interest in them - but it never stopped me enjoying the rest of the mag.

I also drew inspiration from the big budget cars to build my own zero budget one.

I never wanted to own a Bus until I started seeing cool ones in the mags - I was a Beetle person.

What I'm trying to say is that C&B is about educating people as much as anything else.

You might not want a T5 yet but maybe one day you might find yourself in a posistion where you only have funds/space/whatever for one vehicle to do everything - work, rest and play - and decide that because a T5 is still part of the VW family it's not that bad a choice...

Or, you might see a cool one - perhaps body dropped by Matt Ballz and it'll blow your mind... Maybe?

We feature company built Buses and good quality home builds and even I'm not stupid enough to deny that a Bus with a story is better than a shiny one without.

We're always listening and monitoring the markets so anything could happen but in the meantime I can only apologise to you harcore air-cooled people about the T4s and T5s - but to be fair, they have been in the mag from day one so it's not like we've only just started forcing them on you.

Like I say, I'm air-cooled through and through - I would be on this forum if I didn't work for the mag (and I would probably post more as I'd be able to write what I like rather than having to be polite and represent the brand all the time) but I do care about what's said on here and don't like the idea of anyone getting bored of C&B for any reason.

If you made a cake and someone said it tasted like stink you'd take it pretty personally but with magazines it's constructive criticism and has to be taken on the chin.

You can't please everyone all the time but we do try our best.

This isn't a mag editor having a whinge I'm just trying to reply to some of the comments on here - that have been repeated in the C&B office - so have all been really valid and useful.

Incidentally, did you notice the amount of T5s at Busfest?

They were definitely up on last year, but if anyone fancies launching an air-cooled only show I'd be happy to run something in the mag to support it.

I noticed the amount of T4's and T5's at Busfest! And the amount of trade specifically aimed at them! :shock: It would be pretty dire business sense not to exploit such a masssive market ;)

I wont be cancelling my C&B, or C&C, subscriptions any time soon. :)