Sorry dude, didn't see your post there 8)
If you've spotted my other posts on the forum, you'll know the van and I made it to Cornwall and back after the MOT without any problems.
The van became rather popular as all my mates tents flooded :lol:
I've just managed to start work on the van again today.
So here is what I did:
Lots of new panels from GSF:
This rear corner doesn't look too bad does it?
Oh dear....
2cm down, it keeps on going (everyone loves filler!)
You can see the old "repair" (term used loosely) straight over the old metal. At least it appears they bothered to underseal the bodywork before putting the new panel on.
Almost there:
The rather classy battery tray made from old shelving and wood (not by me I'll have you know

Almost all cut out - just needs tidying and trimming now.

More to come. The plan is for the van to be in paint by the end of the month.