My wife phoned me to give me an ear full

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Just outside London
What are all these boxes that have just been delivered?, I thought you were supposed to be getting your engine delivered on Sunday not Friday, good job I was in! I ended up helping the TNT man in with some boxes.

What do you mean boxes? the engine should be complete, must be something else! Open up one of the boxes

I can see shiney tubes

Ahhh, that'll be my suspension then

So, looks like I'm in for a good weekend, my red9 suspension and my engine :mrgreen: I'll get some pictures up in the gallery.

I love those calls, I have gone home to see my wheels sat on the drive "im not having them in here" lol

good luck, will you be having the "are you going to be working on your van all day!"
AxlFoley said:
good luck, will you be having the "are you going to be working on your van all day!"

More like the 'I'd already arranged to look after the kids all weekend, weekend'

I need to spend one weekend emptying the garage, another weekend building a hooooooooge work bench, then I should be able to fit the suspension, then gearbox, then a while off yet :cry: At least my parts are arriving, so I can see the daylight :)

I have to lie about how much parts cost, everything just costs 10 quid as far as she's concerned :mrgreen:
My wife has banned me from going on ebay whilst under the influence.... I've had a few one one way phone conversations already when the courier has pitched up while I've been at work! :oops:
I always tell her 'it'll help us stop quicker'. Can't argue with safety! :lol:
My wife knows how much everything costs as I can't hide it from her (joint account etc) :(

But she know it will be worth it so not to bad ;)

Don' forget to do a thread on the clearing of the garage and the building of the bench (including pics) ;)
yeah that was my excuse when I fitted the 4 wheel disks :p the Propex heater and Gas (beer) fridge were her idea, I still had to pay for them though :| lol
AxlFoley said:
yeah that was my excuse when I fitted the 4 wheel disks :p the Propex heater and Gas (beer) fridge were her idea, I still had to pay for them though :| lol

Anything that sticks out creates drag, so helps to stop quicker. Spot, deluxe trim, swamp cooler etc etc...... Get the idea ;)