new horrible engine noise.

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score

my engine has started marking a terrible noise.
i have tried to record it on this video but it hasn't come out very well

it sounds like a slapping clattering noise at idle and is louder than the normal engine noise. it seems to disappear as i rev the engine, but come back as it approaches idle.

any ideas?

ps i have already put the air filter back on securely.
Hi mate,

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :( , It sounds just like mine !

It sounds like the crank/shells/big end bearing have give up the ghost, I hope Im wrong, but dont think so :cry:

The noise will go away as the oil pressure builds up, then return back on idle.

You will need to get the bottom end rebuilt or go down the re-con motor route.

Good look :)

i took off the fanbelt to check if it was something to do with the fan, no difference ...

problem solved. it was a hole in my exhaust :oops: i never new that it could make such a horible sound, and change the way the engine was running so much.

thanks for the inputs.
wilgartw said:
i took off the fanbelt to check if it was something to do with the fan, no difference ...

problem solved. it was a hole in my exhaust :oops: i never new that it could make such a horible sound, and change the way the engine was running so much.

thanks for the inputs.

Just with the description you gave, I thought it sounded like the bottom end was shot !

Glad yours was a cheap/easy fix, Nice one :D , unlike mine :( .


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