New Year resolutions?

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Pete B

Well-known member
May 3, 2008
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Not in, but 9 miles north of Peterborough
Year of Your Van(s)
Van Type
Was pleased to say goodbye to 2012, not a good year personally, some stuff beyond my control, others I can do something about. There are many aspects to my NY resolution (work, finances, relationships etc) and big changes need to be made, but it amounts to 'Sort my freakin' life out!'

Ssooo..... whether it's losing weight, stopping smoking or something more unusual then let's get them all down here, kind of a commitment to stick with the programme!

Go for it folks, remember though, if it's on here I may just revive the thread later in the year to see who has followed through with their intention and those who have just,... erm..., followed through....... :D
Good idea Pete, I'm a bit the same as you. 2012 wasn't a disaster, I quit smoking but a consequence was my weight ballooning from 14-7 to 16-4 this morning. I say a consequence - more a consequence of working too much, being stressed, not exercising, drinking more than i should and getting more stressed and being a bit of a moody bugger to be around. Time for a change.

As I say, it's not really a vanity thing, I just know that I 'need it'. I'm a very lucky boy. I've got great friends, a very loving family around me. I've got an amazing girlfriend, Clare who puts up with me. It's time to appreciate them all more and be a bit nicer to be around.

So..... Keep them coming. Il update you on my successes and failures.

Oh a d I haven't mentioned getting the bus on the road but with a bit of luck that should happen in 2013. I did say that in 2012, 2011 and 2010 though :)
2012 was an ok year for me, some success in my work life. Kids are happy with me, bought the van etc...

My one wish for 2013 is to find a decent Girlfriend/Partner, I have been single far too long, concentrating on raising my daughters, work, home life etc and neglected my needs for too long. So with that in mind I shall get myself fitter, clear my head of the usual crap that is in there, find my inner peace and woo the lady of my dreams to be by my side.

Jon ( wants to visit the Czech Republic soon....... )

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Mine is to spend less time in forum chat rooms talking about it and more time in the garage actually building it.

Bollox, didnt last long.....
Mine is to start the body work at sometime this year maybe :lol:

Also to actually see 89rallye in my rear view mirror in his bus trying to keep up and not get splattered with oil :lol:
agreed, 2012 lacked gravity,,,,it sucked.......2013, get the bus on the road, do more vintage racing and in my case do more drinking,,got to stay fit and lifting my brew is my idea of arm curls :)
Not realy got a new years resolution as such.
Just not been happy with life in general in the last few years.
Want to make some changes this year though.

If this thread pops up later this year and i still feel the same then chances are, i never had the balls.
My resolution is to get away in the bus more!

We have Ninove planned, trip to Barcelona, BusFest, VW Fest and the list goes on planned!
StuF said:
My resolution is to get away in the bus more!

We have Ninove planned, trip to Barcelona, BusFest, VW Fest and the list goes on planned!

Good resolution Stu. Hit the road my friend. Life's too short. F#@k the system. :lol:
Well we have a baby due in a few weeks so my wife will be off work the rest of this year.
Soooooo my resolution is to make more money!!!

Not goin great so far but I've got BIG plans!!!!!

I hope I'm not going to be made out a liar by the end of the year :lol:
I've spent every hour God sent restoring our 1970 bay since 2010 and in the process neglecting my loving family and missed a lot of surf sessions ( although most of 2012 was ,on shore slop). So this year I want to finish up and get a mot on the van then enjoy hitting a different beach every weekend with the family. I love livin in Cornwall :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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