Oil change findings!

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2007
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hey, hope you lot can let me know wheather i should be worried about the amount/size of gritty bits i found on the oil filter. not sure how long ago the oil was changed and the filter cleaned (as i've only had her two months this was the first oil change i've done) but the filter was fairly battered (no holes, just dented) so I'm getting a new one for when i put her back together.

i tried to take some pictures of the bits but as they're all clumped together with the oil they look a lot bigger than they are and my camera seemed to have trouble focusing on them (might have something to do with the fact i fell down the stairs with it on my way to take pictures... got a sore bum now!)

anyway here are the pictures....



hopefully you're all gonna tell me thats fairly normal *fingers crossed*


well it was all sat in the dents of the strainer... i was following my "How To : Oil change" from Camper & Commercial... at a second read it looks like it should be ok because it says if theres chunks of metal on the sump plate you have a problem. i'll keep an eye out for it next time though. we're thinking the previous owner possibley just used to open the main drain bolt then fill her back up as he told us he wouldnt touch anything because he was too clumsy n he'd break it but the one thing he did do was change the oil.

Thanks for the reassurance!

From experience, the lumps are too big and are unlikely to be metallic, but the cork rocker cover gaskets have a tendency to break up and end up in the oil strainer, they may solidify with time, i now use the rubberised type of gaskets :wink: . Change the oil/strainer and carry on regardless, go anywhere anyway and use a breakdown service as insurance. If you worry too much you will never go anywhere :wink:
Have you passed a magnet over them to see if it is ferous?

These motors are well abused by people and will stand upto a fair amount chances are it will be fine just remember that regular oil changes are a must 3000 miles or if you have an external cooler with remote filter then in the 5000 miles ball park...

Personnally I wouldnt be too worried just keep an eye/ear open... :D
good idea!! *runs off to try it* right... i've just put a magnet over the bits and nothing happened so can't be metal... guessing thats a good sign? :lol:

n yep i know about the need for often oil changes... had it drilled into us by the guy we took her to when we first got her, think we're going to try for every 6 months or so, maybe more depending on use.



PS is it normally blooming hard to get the oil strainer back in or would that be because it was a new one i put in earlier?
may still be metal remember its an ally case the saddles or other bits my be wearing though looking at it I wouldnt say so.. crunching em between pliers and see what they look like I suspect its just burnt oil or general **** got in there...

Shouldnt be that hard unless its not a genuine part some of the aftermarket strainers are a crap fit, also some of them have larger holes on the strainer :shock: ... so be warned some of the latter will pass the gritty elements your old one stopped...
yeah we think it is burnt oil/carbon bits now, will keep an eye out for them next time though.

think the holes in the strainer were the same so should be ok there

Thanks for your help

If the lumps are hard then they could come from the bottom of the plastic (bakelite) fuel pump bush. These break up after years of heat and oil! It would be worth taking it out and renewing anyway. If they are soft then probably from cork rocker box gaskets. Either way they should not threaten the life of the engine, but I would do another oil change at 2000 miles to check for more bits.

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