Question for you street skaters...

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Oct 26, 2010
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Speaking of skateboarding...

...I need a new deck!

I've not been keeping on top of who and what to buy over the last few years - just been going through my backlog of old boards - so I'm not sure what to get any more!

Historically I have tended to but British, but there are too many unfamiliar names now (e.g. Bible?!)

I also want to keep things on the cheap - I won't pay £50+ for a board.

Any suggestions? 8)

P.S. I ride a 7.625" width
Hi G,

Tricks or carving?

For carving my lads been using Stoked boards for the last few years and they wear well and look top - plus an old codger like me can handle them too :D

Tricks - not up to speed on those so happy hunting!
I'm a bit of a lard and still skate but no tricks. Use it to keep up with my 3 and 6 year old when over the park. With them on scooter and bike.
Bought my deck about 6 years ago when in the state's and specifically told the lads in the shop it was for me.
I have a Toy Machine deck as apparently they were the strongest back then. Thunder trucks and Spitfire charred remains.
I ran a skate shop a few years back and we used to sell a lot of 'a third foot' decks made in Birmingham by skaters who knew how to trash decks and come with some cool designs, just checked and they are still available, try Ideal Skateshops in Birmingham, they have an online store.

Hope that helps
Cheers for the replies chaps.

@Andy - tricks. Where does your kid get his boards from? Leeds seems to have lost pretty much all its skateshops (I know of "Welcome" but it's expensive and don't know anyone who has ridden their stuff yet).

@Nugsy - I'm a bit torn on Toy Machine decks. I had a Diego "Butcher" Bucchieri pro-model before which was pretty sweet but it stress cracked pretty bad.

@Graham - you did? That's cool. Which shop was that? Have found the Ideal website and will check that out. Heard of ATF before but always received mixed reviews. Ideal looks good though and they offer to leave decks ungripped which is a total plus point for me!

@Slammed - Am I missing something or does that site not offer and skate hardware for sale?" onclick=";return false;

Looks 8)
Im after an old Powell Peralta to play around on....been a few years now since i stepped on one!!
MMm wander if I can still ollie!?!? :party0009:
The last two he got from when we went surfing in North Wales - A guy sells boards from his van - the companies site is" onclick=";return false;

They do smaller longboards which are cool - his latest one is about 1 metre in length is a nicely weighted board.

A few pics:


Like you said, bugger all in Leeds now :(
I picked up a sector 9 longboard at the booty the other week,........nearly killed myself in the kitchen on it.......note to self, you are no longer eighteen and flip flops are not the correct footwear option!!!!! :oops: :oops: ,.......made the wifes day though :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I picked up a Sector 9 off Fleebay for my 40th a few months back, £40, only needed new bearings but I treated her to some new wheels too :) I sanded off the picture on the bottom too make her a bit different, great for cruising the campsites & general mucking about, just getting the hang of cross stepping to the nose, forget to stop stepping most of the time and fall off the front :) I refuse to grow old with dignity!!!

I'd love a longboard but sadly my current set up takes too much to keep "on the road" as it is! :lol:

Lovely examples chaps, cheers :)

A friend of mine has also put me on to Note Skateboard Shop, Manchester and swears by their stuff.

...decisions, decisions... :roll:
Have a look at the eBay shop "wooden playthings". It's a shop run by a good guy, lives in Selby so not in Ukraine or something. Friend of a friend, and a top bloke. Sorted out my kids with Vans, sorted out my girl with last years' Xmas pressies and is a genuine skater himself.

Good prices, good times.

You're always a skater.
The Jolly Fat Man bought me this:" onclick=";return false;

Now that it is in my hands I can tell it was a good call! Feels sweet as :D
hia, how old is tooooooo old to long board??? im 49 1/4 !. my boy is 7 and we want one.. thanks
Got one of these cheap off eBay a little while back, too scared to use it so far!! Been such a long time since i've been on a skateboard, Thought it looked cool....
Maybe we should have an "old EB'ers on boards" meet?!

Or maybe an old Earlybayers on crutches meet in the local A and E. :mrgreen: I`m after one meself :mrgreen:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,But,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we just know it`s gonna hurt tomorrow :lol: :roll: :mrgreen: :roll: :lol:
69billy said:
hia, how old is tooooooo old to long board??? im 49 1/4 !. my boy is 7 and we want one.. thanks
If your knees still hold you up right you have no excuses! :lol:

Loxy said:
Maybe we should have an "old EB'ers on boards" meet?!
How old do you have to be to come along? :(

ozziedog said:
Or maybe an old Earlybayers on crutches meet in the local A and E. :mrgreen: I`m after one meself
Stella and skateboarding go together rather well, I can tell you!

..Except for maybe that one time, that, in my defence, I had lost most of the drinking games that night, where I woke up covered in blood from my elbows...

Next time I see you Oz you will have to have a shot on my board :lol:

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